2. You are as kind and compassionate as a Ferengi businessman.
3. You have the honor of a Vorta.
4. If you're any more slippery, the Jem'Hadar will mistake you for a god.
5. You have the warm smile of a Vulcan.
6. You fight like a Ferengi.
7. Did you inherit that Kazon hair?
2. Your brother is so pathetic, he thought "profit" was a Bajoran god.
3. You're as lively as a Grumpackian tortoise.
4. Need help with the first rule?
5. You have the lobes of a hew-mon.
6. You wouldn't know an opportunity if it bit you on the lobes.
7. You're so deep in debt, the Eternal Vault of Destitution would be a step up.
1. Bold-type may be eye-catching, but fine-prints make the profit.
2. Profit makes DS9 go round.
Written by Daimon Diane unless otherwise indicated.
Ferengi insults: #4 submitted by Isabella Moody, #5-7 by Ed Toler.
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