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Astroboy would have to be one of the most classic cartoons in the history of cartoons. Astroboy is a story about a robot boy with amazing powers and abilities and also human emotions who goes through life trying to be accepted as a robot and someone people can depend on. But just as important, to use his powers to fight injustice and protect human and robot kind.

Astroboy was created by Osamu Tezuka and was first aired in 1982. Astroboy was a comic way long before it was animated. But back then, it was known as Mighty Atom. Astro looked pretty much the same but just black and white. I'll put on some old pictures as soon as I'm able to find some and scan them.

If you haven't realised by now, Astroboy has been re-released on video which is like a prayer been answered for me cause I had been dying to see it again. Siren Entertainment has released ten volumes of Astroboy, each consisting of three episodes. One tape sells for $19.95 Australian. That's thirty episodes in total but that isn't all of them.

I remember quite clearly that there was an episode with a robot snow leopard which threw spots at Astro and drew his energy and so Astro and some kids all got into this giant robot which was kind of like Voltron and defeated it. Another episode where there was this red robot who had fire powers or something and could fly extremely fast. Either Siren are going to release these episodes later on or they're not going to at all. Probably not but one can only hope.

Anyway back to the videos. Well obviously the first volume tells us of Astro's origin and how he moved on from being a circus robot to a robot going to school. Throughout the rest, it shows Astro going through many trials and in the end becoming the Greatest Robot in the World. For a complete episode guide of the ten volumes, click here.

As old as Astroboy is, there's one thing that cannot slip the mind and that's the unforgettable theme song. One of the best introductions for a cartoon. Rather than just showing clips from the episodes like most cartoons do, it has original animation and wicked music. The lyrics are simple but work really well. I have a .wav format version which is 625KB but I may have to take it off later on for disk space.

All the characters in Astroboy are unique in their own way and are quite distinctive. Have you ever noticed how Astro's face and head are quite similar to that of Mickey Mouse. They have the same black bit, Astro with pointy hair rather than round ears. They both have big eyes, same sized mouth but very different noses. And of course the skin colour for the face.

Other characters like the big-nosed Dr. Elefan, head of the science administry, Daddy Walrus, the moustached school teacher who in his spare time is a detective, Uran, Astro's very annoying and bratty little sister and Atlas, the blonde and tanned robot with the robot horse and a sword that's like a light-saber and who just happens to be Astro's brother (both made from the same mould).

The rest of them like Astro's friends, the blue-faced bad guy Skunk and his gang, Astro's parents and all the other miscellaneous characters that pop up in the series are just as memorable. All these characters whether good or bad, important or not important have contributed something to make the world of Astroboy so spectacular.

This website has been visited times since 7/12/97.

Now for some wise words from Astroboy's creator, Osamu Tezuka.

"What I try to appeal through my works is simple. The opinion is just a simple message that follows:

"Love all the creatures! Love everything that has life!" I have been trying to express this message in every one of my works."

|History |Episode Guide |Astroboy Theme Song|
|Sounds |Theme Lyrics |Gallery|

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