As Vanetin leads
you in, you look around in awe. The room is very dark, but there
seem to be shafts of light circling the room, and as the door shuts behind
you, it forms its own shaft of light, almost indistinguishable from the
others. It seems too dark to see, yet you can make out shapes, and
as you look at Vanetin, you can actually see her quite well. Wondering
about the tricks of the light, a question forming on your lips, Vanetin
gives a placating smile, "Don't worry, Dreamer, we are no longer where
we were. This is the connection between all Fantasy worlds in this
domain of mine. Things will be different, should you choose to venture
through any of the doors, aside from the one you just came through.
That will lead you back to where we came from."
"I encourage
you to explore," she continues, "And you are free to go wherever you wish.
There is so much to learn about all of the different worlds, and I doubt
it can all be learned in one trip. So take your time, and you can
come back at any time." With a smile, she turns, "I might see you
again as you travel, but feel free to touch and look at anything that catches
your interest. You never know," she says with a knowing smirk, "You
might find something interesting."
As Vanetin disappears
through a door, you look around the room again, and find that you've lost
track of which door led back to where you came from. With a small
shrug, she did tell you to explore, after all, you head for an anonymous
shaft of light, behind which is a door,
light 1 |
light 2 |
light 3 |
light 4 |
and with a slight shove, it opens to an almost blinding light, effectively keeping you from immediately seeing whatever treasures lie beyond.