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Welcome to my page!
    There is still a whole lot of stuff I want to put on here, so you'll have to bear with me.  I'm going to do some book reviews about a lot of fantasy books that I really liked, and hope you might try out one day. I will also have other stuff, and update from time to time, so come back every once in a while!  Thanks!

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to visit my page since November 4(?) 1997!

About Me...



    Now comes the stuff you were wading through my personal life to see!!!



 Click here for  Book Reviews and Lists!
These are still a bit under construction, but there are good reviews in there already.
You might want to check in periodically, to see what new stuff I am doing.

Click here to see some of My Poetry!
I am always adding more, so visit frequently.


Here are some awesome Links!



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Please fill out my Form, to give me some more suggestions as to how I can improve my page! Thanks!

On mIRC, I hang out in #Rain, so come check it out sometime!
The server I use is:
:D :) :P
 Last updated on July 28, 1998!
I'm fifteen, as of January 28, 1998!!! :)
Come back soon!
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