Vanetin's other pets

    As Vanetin leads you in, you look around, expecting to see strange and exotic animals, as the sign said that these were Van's other pets.  In the midst of some shadows, you notice movement, and a dark figure; You've found something strange and exotic, oh joy!  Looking closer, but not too close, as it seems dangerous, you note that it has the face and wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion.  Thinking you should know what it is, from folklore and fairytales, you search your brain until it finally comes to you:  The beast must be a gryffon!  Vanetin gestures to the black animal, "This is Purraj, a black Grifflet."  Well, you were close, anyway.  "Purraj,"  Vanetin explains, "Impressed to me, much like the dragons down the other hall.  Grifflets are very similar to Dragons in that respect.  This one came from Nethya's Realm."  Looking beyond the gryphon, you notice a small lump, something that she is apparently guarding.  Noticing your curiosity, Vanetin smiles, "Oh, so you see the egg.  Well, it's another that I've adopted, and Purraj has taken it upon herself to watch and hatch it.  She's surprisingly maternal for one of her species."  Eyeing you with her fierce eagle's stare, after a moment Purraj shifts her position just enough to allow you a glimpse of the egg she protects.

As Vanetin leads you further, you see in the shadows dark rectangular shapes, and realize that those must be doors to other rooms.  She nods to the doors, "Since Purraj is very territorial, we keep other animals away from her.  But that very trait also makes her quite a formidable watch dog-- er, griffon."  Vanetin grins, then gestures with a sweeping hand toward the doors, "Lead the way, to wherever you'd like to see.  There are signs above the doors to the other rooms."

A door leading outside..
you peek through, and see lush greenery on the other side..
A Portal leading to a dark room...
You can't see much of anything on the other side...
Mantany's egg...
Something wonderful awaits!
Niassa's Egg...

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