Q         Q                                            I    I   I       E        E            TTTT
                            Q   Q   Q                                            I    I   I       E   E   E         T
                            Q   Q   Q       U         U U         U       I    I   I       E   E   E       TTTTT
                               QQQ          U   U   U U   U   U          IIIIII           EEE            T
                                  Q             U   U   U U   U   U             I                 E                TTTT
                                  QQQ          UUU       UUU          IIIIII           E        E            TTTT
                               Q                      U            U                     I         E   E   E          T
                            QQQQQ                                             IIIIIIII       E   E   E       TTTTT
                               Q                                                            I             EEE             T
                                  QQQ                                            IIIIII                E                 TTTT

This sign greets you as you walk in the door, written in a strange alphabet.

    You step into a dark, extremely hot and humid room, and you notice a basin of water simmering over a fire, so you correctly assume that that's why it's so humid in here.  You hear Vanetin's voice as if she's talking right behind you, and turning, you see her next to the wall, waiting for you.  Her brown and blue lizard creatures fly over to the center of the room, where you see a couple of eggs.  They busy themselves with chittering and tending to the eggs as Vanetin smiles and says:  "This is my firelizard room.  Most are still in their eggs, though, so it's actually more of an incubation room for now.  I'd appreciate it if you kept quiet, and look but don't touch."
    She smiles and leads the way to a sand-filled pit in the center of the room, smiling down to the tiny eggs, "They're much smaller than dragon eggs, I know, but the creatures inside are such darlings!"


    She helps the two pile a little more of the sand around their bases, and you lean down to help, but you quickly pull back your hand as it is burned by the unexpectedly hot sand.  Vanetin glances up, "Oh, I'm sorry, I should have warned you.  The sand is extremely hot, so they will develop better."  She walks to a high shelf, jumping up and grabbing a jar, "Here, let me put some numbweed on it."  She opens the jar, and a noxious odor assails your nostrils, causing you to grimace and pull back, and Vanetin admonishes, "I know it stinks, but it'll make the pain go away."  She dabs a bit on your burn, and almost instantly the skin goes numb, and it doesn't hurt anymore.  Vanetin smiles, "There, see?"
   She continues on, "Anyway, the colored firelizard eggs will hatch the colors of their shells.  The brown and green ones were from the same adoption agency, and part of Clutch Number One, by Gold Gracey and an unknown Bronze.  This was Gracey's first clutch, and boy,  was it a big one!  A brown firelizard is a male, and a green firelizard is a female.  They will, respectfully, be named Enit and Bix.  They are almost due to hatch."  Her tone of voice fills with hope and pride as she says the last part.  She continues, "The green egg will hatch a green firelizard, female, and her name will be Lightwing."
    Vanetin continues, "Another egg came from S'len, rider of green Gameth, and just hatched brown Nimbus!  Here are his stats:

Firelizard's Name:  Nimbus
Keeper's Name:  Vanetin
Firelizard's Age:  Hatchling
Keeper's Age:  15
Firelizard's Gender:  Male
Firelizard Type:  Brown
Firelizard's mother:  Gold Deedi
Firelizard's Father:  Bronze Tewer
Firelizard's Siblings:  at these sites:  Danielle of the Realm, Lizzy, Seluen, Katie,
Sara Haas, Kitty, D. Angel, Talia, Koddragon, Jessa, Jen, Tanya, and Silvanon
Firelizard's Mate: none
Firelizard's kids: none

She moves on, "And the gold egg that I had Hatched gold Serenity!"  She leads you to a different part of the cave, and there you see a small golden firelizard;  Vanetin veritably shines with joy.


She glances around the room, "Well, I guess that's all, in here.."  She smiles, nodding to another door,

"If you haven't seen my Dragon room yet, you'll have to!"  She motions for you to go through a door.
"If you've seen my Dragon room already, then let's go back to the Main Cavern."  She motions for you to go through the door.

The eggs link to the adoption center they were found at.