The Life of Arkhanon

The life I lead has an historical tendency to be misconstrued. Earlier beliefs held that one such as I was of the oldest and greatest of creation. Truly we are great, but one cannot be the greatest of creation without being greater than the creator. Others have mistaken us for the biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden. Many of our kind were destroyed in the Serpent Wars. Humanity does not deign to even recognize that as a momentous occasion, but we have not forgotten. Now we are said not to exist. But I say truly that we do exist. We are not the image of Satan. We are old, but not the oldest.

God is the oldest and greatest of creation. That is truth. We were originally created shortly after the Seraphim and Cherubim, in that period of history not recorded by Homo Sapiens. Man was given the control of earth and woman was given control of man. Dragon was given control of dragon and a small portion of the power of creation. Genesis says that all animals were assembled before Adam to be named. The Creator excluded dragons and angels from that assembly; man therefore excluded them from his account of history. It was shortly after the Naming of Creation that I was hatched. Surely it is strange for you to read a narration of a creature that was not "born." Man was created from the dust of the earth. Angels were created from the dust of the stars. Dragons were created from the dreams of angels.

The Serpent Wars were for us what the Holocaust was for the Jews, the early ages were for Christianity and the Inquisition was for free thought. It was a brutal attempt at genocide. It almost worked, too. We few remaining dragons used our combined powers of creation to beget a world only tenuously tied to earth. Only with the intervention of The Creator was it finally accomplished. There we retired for the Age of Reason, to build our numbers (not for conquest, but companionship). Though I was thought insane by many, I insisted that a way be created to return to earth. Many young ones have thanked me recently for the opportunity to walk among humans and notice the way another species behaves.

That world is not as fair as this earth. Our world, called Serpentis, was imagined by hearts broken with grief and minds fogged by rage. It is a barren, craggy place, much like Hell is described. We are its only inhabitants, but we strive to bring life to it. The work is slow and many hearts are slower yet to forgive. Humanity is gradually bringing Earth down to the level of Serpentis.

I have been among you for some time now, though in different images. Most recently, I have adopted the Crocker family. Their medieval motto, translated as "The Lord feeds them," alludes to the story of Elijah, who was fed by ravens for three years. The Crockers are a strange clan, but very well behaved for humans.

I have been asked by one of my scaled sisters why I choose to show myself to humanity in this manner (on the "Web"). I have always been slightly out of align with majority, but I primarily do this because none will believe it. I know that nothing will come of this because humans now desire scientific fact, or as much media glitz and glamour as possible.

It is the greatest irony, and thus intensely hilarious, that dragons now walk among humanity, as once we did, and humanity is oblivious to the fact. We do the things among humanity that we have always done: observe, occasionally intervening for the better or worse. We are no longer persecuted, save in some circles for our ideas of free thought. It is glorious to live on the beautiful, vibrant Earth while it is still alive.

Do not think by my interest in humanity that I have forgotten the Serpent Wars. I do not seek revenge. Many on Serpentis do, but we bar their way across to Earth. I survived the Serpent Wars, while many did not. Do not be deceived, human or dragon as you may be. The Serpent Wars yet rage. The Destroyers seek the annihilation of every dream, thought, ideal that is not exactly with the policies of the ruling class. That is the root of the Serpent Wars: man seeking more complete dominion over man. Be not a Destroyer. Be a Maker. "Heal others that others may heal you. Free others that others may free you. Love others that others may love you." This is the Dragon's Truth. The truth will set you free. Blessed be.

Yea, verily, droppeth me a line.

Support the "Adopt a Dragon Foundation."

Save the Dragons Campaign.

To the Lair Proper.

Mirror, Mirror.
