Chmeee's Science Fiction & Computer Graphics

The Chmeee page has moved to

Urrr! A few days ago, I learned that GeoCities had merged with Yahoo. That was nice, since it gave subscribers new services. Then, I learned that GeoCities changed the rules. According to GeoCities' new rules, they would own all material posted on their free web pages. I was running to my weapons room, ready to pick up my variable sword and Slaver disintegrator, to fight to yank my intellectual property off this page! Urrr, those filthy, double-dealing humans!

I didn't need to use them, though. Public outcry led GeoCities to rethink the idea, so now web creators on GeoCities can still keep their stuff! Thank you for changing your mind, GeoCities!

The scare, however, has made me decide to move the Chmeee page to the unlimited space offered by my own ISP. Even though service from GeoCities has been excellent (other than the brief rule change) in the almost two years this page has existed, I think it will be easier to maintain this page at my home ISP at HiWAAY.

According to my intelligence equipment, beings have visited my site.

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