So your a big Jason Fan too huh? and you need (or want) to make a Jason Costume. You came to the right place. For here you'll learn how to make your very own Jason Costume relatively cheaply. Oh it'll still cost you a pretty penny but good art often does but you don't mind a little hard work or spending a little cold hard frog skins to get the job done now do ya? And you love doing all the little fiddly bits and you're a stickler for detail I'll bet too.

   Well warm up the VCR and watch the whole series a few dozen times first just to get good and well acquainted with our big bad boy Jason Voorhees. If you are dating someone right now tell em to forget it, (I find the women folk just don't get our little artistic obsession.)
....I mean hey... Jason likes girls.... sure he likes em in pieces... but he likes girls I'd say.
You can guess the reaction I got can't you? As we were watching one of my favorite scenes where Jason takes a sleeping bag of screaming girl and drags her out of the tent to do what comes natural for him....
     Hmmm... Uh hum Well....

   Once you and your VCR are alone and you have watched the whole series from start to finish and are thoroughly engrossed with just how messy Jason is looking towards the end of the series.
Psssst!...Parts 6 onward are the best for costume details unless you are making the "Supper Cinchy Version." Awww! C'Mon ... Don't be a panty-waste.

   Below I have put together a list of some items which might help you out with this project.

- Supplies List -
  • Any kind of (Air Drying) modeling clay or anything you can make molds cheaply with.
  • Some kind of sculpting tools, Popsicle Stix will do
  • Cheap disposable paint brushes in various sizes Some Fine Art Brushes would be nice too
  • Sharp pair of Scissors Sewing or fabric cutting scissors are best
  • Acrylic water based paints:
  • Black
  • Red
  • White
  • Blue
  • Fake Blood Very plentiful and cheap around Halloween
  • A pair of old coveralls either Dark Blue or Green You can use Pants and a shirt to if you like
  • A pair of rubber kitchen gloves
  • A pair of Tan Leather work Gloves Really ratched up
  • Old Pair of work boots spattered with blood and muck
  • Some cans and plastic containers to mix things like paint in
  • Foam Rubber in various thickness
  • Contact Cement The kind in the bottle with the brush is best
    Don't inhale it though... Whew! Very nasty
  • A wire brush or anything to fray and wear holes in fabric with
  • An ammonia & water based Latex Rubber compound used for making molds
    (Craft stores usually carry this some art stores too) you'll need Lots of it
  • A couple meters of a good four way stretch black spandex or lycra fabric Fabric Stores will have this
  • A Hockey Mask Like the one in the movie
    Like I had to say it. I made mine out of plexi-glass
  • about a meter of 1" wide elastic unless you already have a hockey mask

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