From the Pilot to Tempus Fugit we have witnessed
repeated abduction scenarios. Some are suggested to be the source of aliens,
others suggest government involvement. So it is highly probable that there
is some sort of partnership between extra-terrestrials and the U.S government.
To find who abducted whom we must examine each individual abduction event.
The abduction and experimentation of the class of '89
(see Pilot) seem to be the work of Japenese scientists (see Nisei/731).
They use Billy Miles to gather others for the tests. However, the tests
don't work and they use Billy to clean up after them. The corpse found
in the grave looks very like the failed hybrids in "Anasazi". BUT...the
nine minutes that Mulder and Scully 'lost' seems beyond the abilities of
the conspiracy as we've seen and strongly suggests a genuine alien abduction.
In 'Conduit' Ruby was abducted, it seems, by genuine
aliens, since no medical experimentation has been attempted on her, and
prolonged zero-g conditions may be beyond the abilities of the conspiracy
or the Japanese scientists.
'Fallen Angel' introduces Max Fenig to us as an abductee.
It seems Max has already been abducted (by the Japanese scientists) and
become subject to some sort of implantation. Max's abduction is perhaps
the more complicated of the rest but here's my theory: The invisible alien
showed here is similar to the returned zoo animals in Fearful Symmetry
and they seem to have been taken by the grey aliens, so maybe what we're
seeing here is an invisible grey alien. The spaceship it was in was sent
to abduct Max but it crashed so another spaceship came to retrieve the
pilot and Max. What we see here, with the military and the aliens , is
probably another battle between the grey aliens and the shapeshifter/conspiracy.
Duane Barry, like Max Fenig, is known as a 'repeater'.
However Duane seems almost definetely to have been abducted and experimented
upon by the government. He has been taken by an advanced USAF (United States
Air Force) craft and perhaps the staff were disguised as the grey aliens
to make the story seem ridiculous.
SCULLY was definetely abducted by the govt. as well.
The second UFO that so frightens Barry is actually a helicopter so the
first one probably was as well. The events in 731/Nisei also provide more
evidence for this theory: The implant is Japenese make, Scully recognises
Dr Zama from her abduction. Also in 'One Breath', Cancer Man admitted to
abducting Scully. The abductors are using Scully's eggs to create the clones.
When the implant is removed it seems to cause a side effect (cancer) or
otherwise the cancer was caused by the radiation tests during her abduction.
What has been described as one of the most complicated
episodes yet one of the best is Jose Chung's "From Outer Space". Here the
USAF disguise themselves as grey aliens and abduct citizens to experiment
upon. The subject's memory is then erased. The pilot and his companion
were in turn abducted by 'Lord Kinbote'. However, 'Lord Kinbote seems to
be another creation from USAF to make sure witnesses' stories seem too
bizarre ('Lord Kinbote' appears from the traingular UFO's flown by air
force pilots seen in 'Deep Throat', indicating the govt.) Chrissy and her
boyfriend were abducted by USAF as well and had their memories tampered
In 'Tempus Fugit' Max returns only to be abducted again
and killed. The grey aliens (who the govt. and the shapeshifters are at
war against) abduct Max to retrieve their stolen energy source. This theory
is backed up by the surprise on Max's potential assassin when the plane
is intercepted and why the UFO was shot down.
Could this all be a complete hoax? That it is what we
are told in 'Redux' by a DoD employee, Michael Kritschgau and what Mulder,
as we see in later episodes, firmly believed. What I will refer to as the
"Kritschgau Theory" reveals to us that all the UFO sightings have really
been secret experimental aircrafts. He goes on to explain that "the US
military saw a good thing in '47 when the Roswell story broke. The more
we denied it, the more people believed it was true. Aliens HAD landed!
A made to order cover story for generals looking to develop the national
war chest. They opened official investigations with names like Grudge,
Twinkle, Project Blue Book, Majestic 12. They brought in college professors
and congressmen, fed them enough bogus fact, enough fuzzy photos and eye-witness
accounts that *they* belived it too." Another aspect of the Kritschgau
Theory is that the alien abductions were also hoaxes involving the government.
He says the alien abductions are a classified military project, above top
secret, and still ongoing where citizens are taken unsuspecting and tested
upon. The government denied that they were alien abductions and this caused
even more wide spread belief that it was aliens, giving the government
the perfect cover story for their abduction project. However I wouldn't
go as far to believe the Kritschgau theory, remember
the tag line for this episode - "Believe the Lie"-? What I suspect is going
on is this: I don't believe that Kritschgau is lieing to Mulder, I think
that he has been fed lies by the conspiracy and he believed they were true,
like he said Americans have an "appetite for bogus revelation" Also he
explained that the abduction project was "above top secret", if it was
this classified how did Kritschgau know about it? He doesn't even have
access to Level 4, so he couldn't have been involved in it. I suspect some
of what he has to say is true (I believe that there are government and
alien abductions) except about the "no aliens" part. That is why they are
"beautiful lies", remember Deep Throat's words of wisdom: "a lie...is
most convincingly hidden between two truths."As CSM tells Mulder "He's
seen only scant pieces of the whole."
We get a glimpse of what really goes on behind the
government abductions when Mulder sees those women in the DoD facility,
looking very much like what Mulder imagined in Ascension and what Scully
remembered during hypnoisis. It appears they are having their ova taken
here. In 'Redux 2' we are shown that it really was the removal of Scully's
implant that caused her cancer and now that she has had it reimplanted
the impant has managed to control her cancer (this implant doesn't cure
cancer for everyone, just Scully's cancer). Other proof that the government
were responsible for giving her cancer are the tests Scully does that match
her DNA with the ice core sample, which contains a chimeral hybrid which
causes cells to divide and grow when placed with foetal material.
In 'Emily' we find what exactly Scully's ova, taken
during her abduction, was used for. It seems the conspiracy have created
another hybrid, this time in the form of three year old Emily Sim. Emily
has been brought into the world as an orphan whose surrogate mother is
"Anna Fugazzi" (this is a fake record). She was adopted by Mr and Mrs Sim.
Marshal Sim has allowed the pharmaceutical company, Prangen Industries,
to conduct experiments on her in return for large amounts of money. Mrs
Sim is later killed because she was against the experiments and her death
was made to look like a suicide. Marshal Sim is also killed while being
held in jail for the murder of his wife and his death also made to look
like a suicide.
In 'Patient X/Red and the Black' we are introduced to
the multiple abductee Cassandra Spender. Cassandra believes that she was
indeed abducted by aliens. This is only partly true though. She was definetly
abducted, as she has the implant in her neck, by who though seems to be
the question. She was probably abducted by the government and the shapeshifters
together as the implant has been made by the government, yet she is called
to the Ruskin Dam by the aliens (I think that maybe the rebel shapeshifters
did this, or otherwise the colonising shapeshifters are advancing their
plans without telling the consortium) In
'The Red and the Black' Scully tells us through regression hypnosis
how Cassandra was once again abducted by a spaceship. Now I am quite sure
that this is a spaceship belonging to the colonising shapeshifters as it
attacked and killed the rebels just before it abducted Cassandra. I'm not
sure whether this abduction was planned or whether they just thought 'well
everyone's here, might as well abduct one of them' at the spur of the moment.
Cassandra's son, Spender, also claims to have been abducted
but I am inclined to agree with Spender's account that it was all a lie
and that he had been greatly influenced by the stories told by his mother.
Also, if he was abducted he would have been called to the Dam just like
his mother as he would have had an implant like his mother. Since he didn't
appear at the Dam, yes I even bothered to check, we can safely assume that
he wasn't abducted.
In these same episodes the Elders speak of Group Abductions,
where abductees will be called together at sites and abducted. This is
what we saw in Kazakhstan, Skyland mountain and the Ruskin Dam except no
one was abducted, they were set on fire by the rebels. These can't be official
group abductions, I suspect the rebels called them, as one of the Elders
says that group abductions are 15 years down the road. According to Krycek
these group abductions have to do with the beginning of colonisation. But
this raises a number of questions: Why do these abductees have to be abducted
again? What exactly does it have to do with colonisation? Why are these
abductees so important? I have a theory, but it is a just a theory remember:
These abductees are special in some way, maybe due to the experiments conducted
upon them (perhaps they are immune to biological warfare or maybe the black
oil), and the shapeshifters don't want them to die with the other humans
when colonisation occurs and are therefore 'saving' them from "going the
way of the dinosaur". They are saving them because these abductees are
needed to be checked up on, to see if they are still immune, to see if
their experiments are going alright so that soon they, the shapeshifters,
will be able to put to use the methods they have used on abductees and
use them on themselves so they will become the "master race". They also
might need them if the abductees are the original models to the clones,
in case the other clones go wrong and they need to use the original model
to make new ones.
The implant issue is also addressed in this two parter.
Mulder confirms our belief that the implants are homing devices, used to
track the government's test subjects or guide them to meeeting places for
group abductions.
In summary the govt. are abducting American citizens
and performing tests on them to further advance the Paper Clip experiments.
They are returned and fitted with a neck implant (which acts as a tracking
and cataloging device). Woman abductee's eggs are used by the government
to create clones. Before they are returned their memory is erased or they
are hypnotised into believing they were abducted by aliens and making their
story seem too weird for others to seriously believe. The Air Force pilots
sometimes disguise themselves as grey aliens to make witnesses' account
of the event also seem bizarre. When abducting citizens the military uses
advanced aircraft or aircrafts mixed with alien technology. The abductees
are either tested on in the craft or taken to a boxcar where they are operated
upon by Japanese scientists. The govt. tries to use traditional alien folklore
to hide their true identity. These abductions are done because of the orders
of the colonising shapeshifters, who are in league with the government.
The genuine alien abductions are done by the grey
aliens. The grey aliens seem to be peaceful as they always return the abductees
and they don't put metal objects in them either or experient on them. The
aliens seem to just want to see what kind of people us humans are and that's
it. They have to watch out for the govt. though who want to kill them.