This is my slowly growing joke page. If you can supply any jokes, no matter how short or how long, how dirty or how innocent, send them to me.
Everyone needs a good laugh now and then. I hope these will make your day. Feel free to print them out and share them with everyone.
Winter in Upstate New York
Oh God I'm An Ocean Buoy
The Neverending Blonde Jokes
Lawyer Jokes
Love, Lust, or Marriage.....
What Men Really Mean
Women Jokes (have to play fair I guess)
Kid's Jokes
The Thoughts of George Carlin
Perspective Is Everything
The Accident
The Genie
Where do pets come from?
From Real Resumes
Things to Ponder
100 Reasons It's Great To Be A Guy
Bathroom Quotes
My Holiday Joke Page
Adult Jokes
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have visited this page since 4/15/98.