They were not even 10 miles from each other. Never in history had there ever been, or ever will there be, another species as adaptable as they. They could rule the sky, terrorize the sea, wreck havoc upon the ground, in any form or size they pleased. Why is this you ask? It is because each animal could aggregate with another of their kind to form a single being! Years ago there had been thousands of each creature, but that number was decreased to almost nothing in both cases because of a certain big scaly reptile. But now Godzilla was dead, killed off by his own energy, sharing the fate of the Witch of the West. With Godzilla gone, the two species could once again regain their numbers, and once again rise to feed on the fodder of mankind. There was only one thing keeping one from reining supreme, that being the other. Presently they are in Japan's waters. Each is very small, a centimeter long, but they are still raging, still hungry...
Destroyah was hungry, very hungry. He swam alongside his brethren in a tight school. An onlooker might notice that any threat in near the school of crustaceans was being slowly and painfully transformed into a skeleton. The flesh of a nearby fish was sparking with micro-oxygen, her skin being burned away without a trace.
Destroyah had been formed during the murder of Gojira, the first of the Godzillas. A weapon called the Oxygen Destroyer was created by the genius Dr. Serizawa. In 1954 the doc had discovered a way to create anti-matter. By charging simple elements such as oxygen with a beam of light while in a vacuum, he could create a switch in the atoms' charges. In water, the oxygen destroyer could dissolve any organic compound. An ancient crustacean called Ebirah had been in suspended animation since before the first plant, thus before oxygen, and so it was reawakened after the use of the micro-oxygen. Over the millennium it had evolved into Destroyah, capable of emitting the same vacuum light beam used to create its food, micro-oxygen.
Destroyah sent out telepathic impulses to the others, he sensed a threat, its source was about half a mile to the east, near the shoreline of Japan.
Hedorah, the Smog Monster, was not starving, in fact it was very full. Its craving was never satisfied though. It always wanted more waste, in any form. Its anatomy consisted of no organs, save a small reproductive chemical pocket, housing its eggs in the upper back. It was a living mineral compound, totally alien. Somehow the minerals on a small planet known as Kilaak bonded with each other in the gas of Jupiter and formed life. One species became technologically advanced, using digital waves to control mental energy. Knowing that their world was to soon crash into a giant planet called Earth, this advanced species had fled to a nearby asteroid, as the tiny planet Kilaak spun out of its orbit and into the earth. The only species surviving the crash had been the Hedorahs, who took an immediate liking to minerals referred to by us as poison and pollution.
Hedorah suddenly was aware that the life around it was vanishing. Fear commanded actions, and it uttered a threat to the source, Destroyah.
Each was in the sight of the other now. Golden slits glared at hetrium orbs, which returned the favor. Two kaiju armies each containing thousands of soldiers stood poised. One Destroyah's pincer clamped shut, signalling the beggining of a war. There were a hundred thousand violent duels in that first battle, but I will describe only one, the leader's battle.
Destroyah swam in an large arc shaped path towards the tadpole. Hedorah dove forward and spun to hit its attacker with two red eye beams.
Destroyah was hit in one of his swimming legs, sawing it off. His mouth cavity shot forth a micro-oxygen spray resembling a fire extinguisher. Anti-matter met matter and burned Hedorah's side into nothingness. Then the two petite titans started duking it out. Transforming into a mass of sludge, Hedorah engulfed the Destroyer in a dark cloud of muck.
Panic swept through Destroyah's mind, it shoved a pincer through the murk and ripped itself out of the muddy prison. The tadpole reformed and dove like a missile into the crab's underside. Both monsters floated down to the sandy bottom. Thinking quickly, Destroyah buried itself in the dust. As the tadpole shape moved over head, a single sustaining beam of micro oxygen emitted from beneath the sand, destroying the Smog Monster totally in just under 3 seconds. No grief was felt though, the Hedorahs had no sense of pain.
Rejoining his army, the Destroyah leader gave his command. He telepathically ordered them, "Meganeuron formation!" Thousands of crabs slammed into each other with tremendous impact, causing an uncountable mass of tiny explosions, dying the water a fiery orange. Suddenly, what had been 100,000 crabs became 500 four meter long, multi-legged insects. Double jaws clicked razor teeth together, three sets of mandibles laced the cheeks of each animal.
100,000 squishy little tadpoles mushed into each other to form 500 fifteen foot ones. The fight resumed. The water turned to a froth with all the raging within. Even with their nimble tails and extendable double jaws, the Destroyahs weren't as maneuverable in the water with this form. The burning sludge and ultraviolet hetrium rays seemed to be winning the fight. Finally, in desperation, the Destroyah's all crashed into each other to unite and form their "Kamakera formation".
Where there had been 500 Destroyahs only a second before, now there floated in the bloody water the single 80 meter incarnation. Almost identical to the smaller Mefaneuron formation in all respects save its gigantic size, the several sharp stalactites on its underside, and the two huge praying mantis like claws jetting out of its shoulder blades.
Destroyah, now huge, swam off as quickly as possible. The Hedorahs immediately combined their molecules and formed a single, mammoth tadpole. It took off in hot pursuit of the fleeing crustacean.
There were cheers going on throughout the crowd. There was a celebration going on. Huge white banners proclaimed, "GODZILLA IS DEAD", and "THE PEOPLE OF JAPAN CAN SLEEP SOUNDLY ONCE AGAIN!". In the center of Haneda Airport, the final resting place of the mighty beast, deadliest of the Godzilla's, there was the biggest festival ever to grace the land of the rising sun. Blaring loudly, trumpets led the G-Force parade. Huge floats of Mogera and Mecha-Godzilla were driven down a specially made pathway. Everyone involved in taking out Godzilla was there. Aso, Miki, Meru, Aoki, the Mecha-Godzilla crew, The Super X2 team, the Super X III pilots, and countless others. Each was showered with well deserved applause and flowers.
There was a memorial set up for those who had lost their lives in the fight against Big G. Serizawa, Gondo, the pilots of the original Super X, hundreds of jet pilots and maser drivers, etc. Everyone was happy and cheering. No one knew that back at the deserted G-Force base there were two large blips on the radar screen, each moving towards Japan at an alarming rate...
Destroyah paddled hard. His head brushed above the surface, his tail flailed behind him. "Who is this thing?" he asked himself. He knew he could not hope to beat it in the open sea... but on land, there he knew he could terminate this sickening thing.
He had noticed it had a strange ability, it could disease him. Poison gases seeped into his pours, down his throat. They burned from within, pained him. It was coming closer, he quickened his swimming kicks. Land was so close, so close. He could make it, he felt it in his gut.
The life guard sat atop his throne. Bikini'd figures encircled the tower, giggling. He flexed his muscles and smiled his proudest smile. He remembered a few years ago when, during his shift, Godzilla Junior had surfaced on the horizon and sent him screaming out of the locker room-without his bathing suit. He had regained his popularity since then and wasn't about to lose it.
Suddenly a little boy screamed. He looked up. Life saving made a good impression on the chicks. Then he understood what the boy was screaming about. Some huge crab monster bug thing was running up to the beach. "EEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!" he screamed in a higher pitch than the girls surrounding his tower. In all the confusion the great life guard was dethroned and plowed head first into the sand. He got up and whirled around, running away from the thing. He turned his head around and stared at his pursuer, and with great skill slammed into an umbrella pole. The force of the blow shut the umbrella over his body with his feet sticking out the bottom. In all the confusion the umbrella was uprooted and flung over. The point at the top jabbed the sand and, the great life guard found himself encased in an umbrella shoved upside down into the sand.
Hedorah saw the shoreline and breached high into the sky, just making it onto the sand. His sludgy mass reshaped into a more suited form for this terrain, a frog. The (excuse me but I must say this) "frog monster" hopped after its enemy into the metropolitan area.
Destroyah was ready. He crouched behind a building and tucked his claws neatly at his sides like wings. The bad air was giving away Hedorah's presence. It hopped to just the right spot and then... KSHZZZZZZHHHHSSSHHHHKZZZZZ!!! Destroyah blasted away. Hedorah spun, and pounced-but it was too telegraphed. Hooking one of his claws onto the building for leverage, Destroyah was able to leap sky high. Upon landing the stalactites on his belly dug into the sludge below. He opened his mandibles and extended the double jaw.
The mantis' neck bent low, his second set of teeth slowly cutting into a soft hetrium eye. Lightning cackled from his cranial frill and Destroyah unleashed a micro O2 blast at point blank range.
The head of Hedorah (or what one might call the head only because it was the glop at the top of Hedorah's mass, and because of the two ugly red "eyes") was totally destroyed.
Destroyah screamed into the sky, yellow sparks bursting from his frill. The sky, what a wonderful idea. Now that he had eliminated his vulgar foe he would take wing. The cells in Destroyah's body slammed hard into each other with an explosive force and reformed. In the midst of the explosion that occurred was flying stage Destroyah. He tested the wind current and soared high.
Hedorah was far from destroyed though. He slimed his way over to a huge industrial zone nearby. Precious minerals seeped into his body, and he grew strong. Now to resume his chase. The sludge reshaped itself into a manta ray like animal and blasted to the sky with sulfur rocket boosters.
The festival had come to a stop. The message had been received. Two monsters were destroying the city. The G-Force sent out Super XIII to deal with the menace.
High overhead spectators viewed the huge avians dashing into each other. A new threat was seen in the eyes of both monsters though. The oncoming shiny thing. Both turned and took it on.
The crew of the third Super X began firing their weapons systems at the demons. High velocity missiles shot out from under the wings. An elevated missile bed raised out the back of the ship and let loose zero bombs at the monster's faces.
The air was turning blue as Hedorah's smog trails froze. Destroyah fought to stay airborne with the clamming up of his joints.
In a final move Destroyah turned and dove straight for the Super X. "Fire the F.M.M.C!(Freezing Maser Master Cannon)" shouted the guns officer. A toothpaste colored beam of light shot out of the nose of the air battleship and straight into Destroyah's underside, taking him out of action.
The crowd below cheered, but in vain. Destroyah's charge was only a distraction, as the crew saw to their terror that the smog monster had fastened its sludge onto the plane and engulfed it. The windows couldn't be seen out of, the G-Force pilots panicked, screaming, as the windows melted and the poison sludge and sulfuric acid gas seeped in.
Moments later Super XIII was being piloted by skeletons. Below, family members of those men began weeping as the mighty battle ship swerved. With Hedorah still attached to it, Super XIII came plummeting down, crashing and exploding into a power plant below.
Hedorah arose, now in his final form, the dinosaur. Half a mile away Destroyah got to his feet, now in his ultimate incarnation, the gargoyle. They paused. After staring at one another for a full minute, the standoff ended, and the action resumed.
Commander Aso looked down in disbelief. There was only one thing left to do, ask the girls for help. He pleaded his case before the two pairs until his face was blue and they agreed. "Okay," each pair had said, "We'll call for him. We'll call for her."
The ground rumbled as the two 140 meter animals battled. Red rays met colorless ones and caused explosions of sparks. Destroyah moved to the sky as his wings flapped like a bat. His mobility was extremely limited in this form, but was powerful. Seeing the threat, Hedorah blasted forth a piece of sludge into the crustacean's face. The titan's crash left a crater the size of several blocks. Both loomed in on each other, and glared at each other as they had at the first confrontation. Both animal's knew that this was their final fight. The winner was to be dominant, the loser completely wiped from existence.
Their screams were the most frightening sound one would ever hear. The volume and pitch was so vast it put several people into shock. Green blood and brown sludge was everywhere. The terrain would be alien now even to people who'd lived in this area their whole lives.
With better offense to his advantage, Destroyah was able to thrust his glowing tail through the Smog Monster's midsection and out the other end. A huge muddy arm like a tree branch swung around and splattered against its foe. The Gargoyle monster felt great pain. His golden eyes were dimmed and burned. his face steamed and melted. When the sulfuric acid's effects had worn off, Destroyah looked like he had been to a bad plastic surgeon. Gone was the sleek, terrifying look. Now one beheld a freakish phantom of the opera.
In pained rage Destroyah's golden glowing horn sliced randomly at Hedorah. Huge glowing holes and slashes decorated the dinosaur's body. Destroyah's bony protrusions jabbed at Hedorah's squishy hide. Then came the Micro Oxygen ray. It burned away a huge piece of the smog beast.
Hedorah fought back and pushed his foe into the crater made by its fall. Sludge then poured from Hedorah and turned the crater into a frothing sea of...stuff.
Back at Haneda Airport two songs could be heard. One was the popular 70's go-go song "Save the Earth", and the other was a beautiful duet done by two girls, two twelve inch tall girls. None of the words were in a human language, yet one understood every word sung. That was because the song was actually a telepathic call. A call to the defender of earth.
In a private room elsewhere two human women were making a telepathic call of their own. These women were Miki and Meru, summoning Junior.
A silhouette rose from the water near the life guard's position. Junior stalked to the battle to stop it. Even if it meant death. A sound like crashing waves was heard by all, as Mothra flew in over the kaiju scene below.
Destroyah sank beneath the sludge completely, the battle seemed won. Hedorah suddenly heard Mothra and gazed up. Destroyah blasted a beam out of the murk and caught the Smog monster dead in the forearm, creating a small black hole and yanking away the appendage. Junior raced through the city and let loose an atomic blast at the emerging Destroyah. His body looked like a plastic toy which had seen too much tube glue. His limp wings creaked and burned, but somehow he managed to become airborne once again. Now to deal with Mothra. The thing tried to blast at Destroyah with her antenna beams, but it didn't work. The tiny yellow blasts didn't even phase the massive gargoyle. He swooped in and slashed off a good portion of her left wing with his horn. In her descent two razor sharp pincers closed in around her thorax. Destroyah had grabbed Mothra with his tail.
Junior looked puny against the giant Smog Monster. It hurt his nostrils and lungs with every poisonous breath he took. Junior came in close and let loose his atomic ray. A brilliant bluish-white beam sailed through space and into Hedorah's midsection. The huge slimy beast would have laughed at the gesture, had he been able to. Junior was hit in return with two scarlet bolts of U.V. rays fired from Hedorah's hetrium eyes. These caused ugly orange blisters to form at the points of contact. A cloud of smog thrown by Hedorah engulfed the little kaiju, making him black out.
Just as the situation seemed hopeless for Junior and Mothra, a rosy laser and a golden lightning bolt shot out of the sea and slammed into each of the amalgamated titans, thrusting them backwards and knocking them down.
Everyone watching the spectacle were bewildered and confused. "What's going on here?!" they all asked. The two cosmos stood tall on a podium and projected to the panicking crowd. "Now we have a chance against Destroyah and Hedorah," they spoke in unison, "he has awakened-he has awakened to save our world."
Masako ran up to the two fairies. "Who has awaken? You must tell us!" The fairies' two heads turned silently towards the battle going on. As everyone's gazes soon followed, everyone beheld what they thought was a ghost.
Mothra's insignia had appeared on the surface of the water. The powder then moved inward and formed a golden sphere which rose out of the water. Like an egg, this elevated sphere began to crack open. With a scream, the orb suddenly exploded and left all eyes watching on its offspring, the spirit of the earth, the black mothra, the awesome power of Battra.
Battra silently swooped in and snatched Junior from the smog cloud. He flew in low over Destroyah and dropped the young Godzilla. His wings sparked with lightning, and he let loose his breaker bolts. Sparks dove in and out of Destroyah's hide. He couldn't hold his form, he couldn't hold together. His entire body broke up into 500 four meter long Meganeuran Destroyah's.
Battra's powder drop regenerated Mothra and she took wing. The 500 Destroyahs suddenly jumped and covered Junior completely. Not a square inch of flesh was visible under the mass of tiny spider like monsters covering Jr. He panicked and clawed and jumped. The Destroyahs were biting him, cutting him, burning him. Suddenly Junior's dorsal fins glowed electric blue, and he sent out a body pulse, destroying Destroyah completely.
Hedorah knew now that it could conceivably be beaten. It trotted off quickly in retreat. All of a sudden he found he was surrounded by three other monsters. Battra fired his golden sparks into Hedorah, drying it. Junior blasted away with his heat ray. Mothra let loose her antenna beams.
In a fury Hedorah splashed sludge all over the black mothra and the young Godzilla. Both collapsed from the fumes. Mothra hovered silently behind Hedorah and dropped her static electrical powder. With a batting of her wings she blew it over to where it would cover the Smog Monster.
The powder was completely indestructible, and because of its texture it reflected all energy discharge. A cloud of powder could send a beam of energy on a zigzagging ride between the grains for up to half a minute.
Completely engulfed now, Hedorah could barely move within the cloud. All at once Junior, Battra, and Mothra let loose and sustained their beam weapons. The rays bounced around in the cloud, cutting through Hedorah, burning it, drying the sludge. Hedorah slowly began to change to a substance resembling tree bark. With its last ounce of strength, the Smog monster blasted the U.V. rays from its eyes...
Which ricocheted around the powder and right back at the Smog Monster causing a tremendous explosion, totally destroying any trace of Hedorah.
Junior swam away, his job was done here. Mothra flew to Destroyah's den. Battra to Hedorah's. As their powder sank beneath the waves the earth was cleansed of every remaining cell of either monster. Never again would we be terrorized by those demons.
Battra dove into the sea and Mothra slowly flew home to infant island.
Meanwhile, the celebration had resumed. Everyone had even more to be happy about. Along with the Godzilla banners were new ones proclaiming the end of two new monsters. The menace was gone, gone at last. Hedorah and Destroyah would never return.
Up in heaven, a young one eyed man laughed. His creation would never cause chaos again. At last he was at peace with himself. Dr. Serizawa breathed a collective sigh of relief along with the whole world.
You've read this story times!
He's da' king!