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Welcome to my Paris/Torres adoration society page (Andrew and the person helping me write this insisted that I had to have a Voyager page, so I said if I had to have a page, it had to be my way...)
Aren't they cute?
Argh, if you don't know, you don't deserve to grace this page with your presence...
...just kidding.
Paris/Torres stands for Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres, our helmboy and chief engineer, simply the coolest characters on Voyager-- and the cutest couple.
Okay, so she's back from her LOONG hiatus *beams at the half-hearted applause* I'm going to be working on updating the links and I have *long pause* some new fanfic ready to go up. until then, I've added a link to soundstone, where you can listen to and get some neat Trek and non-Trek music (I know, shameless plug). Enjoy!
Follow the evolution of their relationship in my P/T timeline
To celebrate the opening of this page, I've put up a fanfic Cinderella(Voyager Style)
Join me in my exploration of All I Need to Know About Life I Learned From Watching Voyager
In honor of being the first place to carry Day of Honor (or at least the place where I first saw it) here's my Shrine to WalMart!!!!!
The Printer's Press-- My various takes on fanfiction... (right now carries fic from Earth2, Forever Knight,and Voyager
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These pictures courtesy of Heather's Paris and Torres Page.
This background was provided by Over the Rainbow
![]() ![]() Ember. Want to join the P/T Fan Ring!? |
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![]() ![]() Ember. Want to join the Star Trek relationships ring? |
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![]() Ember. Want to join the Tom Paris ring? |
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Disclaimer: Paramount owns it all, I just play with everything. And hey, I'm not making money off of this thing, so why should it matter? BTW, Paramount owns the images, too... (DRAT!)