Edited Volumes
Kori: The Beacon Anthology of Korean American Fiction
Co-edited with Walter K. Lew
Century of the Tiger: One Hundred Years of Korean Culture in America 1903-2003

Co-edited with Jenny Ryun Foster and Frank Stewart
Mu: a reflection on shamanism and synthesis
Haunting: on memory and place
Folkroots Columns for Realms of Fantasy reprinted in The Endicott Studios Journal of Mythic Arts (essays below are on this main page with others):
The Blindman's Daughter
American Dreamtime
Aliens and Angels
The Binary Serpent
Fathers and Sons
Fox Wives and Other Dangerous Women
Heaven and Hello
The Mermaid (my most popular essay, probably because it discusses the origin of the Starbucks logo)
Of Men and Mud
The Secret Alchemy of Dr. Seuss (an analysis of The Lorax)
Storytelling and Healing
The Owlglass & the Moon of Gold: Tyll Eulenspiegel and Kim Seon-dal

Bio at IAF site
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The Interstitial Arts Foundation