This page lists my favorite games and game-related websites.

I don't really play a wide range of computer games. My interests focus mainly on adventure or puzzle genres, although I do pick up a strategy game now and then.


Computer Games


NEOCRON - My latest love. An MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) with strong FPS (first person shooter) elements set in a highly technological post-apocalyptic setting. I'm loving this game so much that I've started up a fansite portion here.

• SYBERIA (and now SYBERIA 2) - a pretty enjoyable adventure game. Pseudo-3d, though it does it well. You play Kate, a female lawyer that has to get a sale contract signed , starting in a factory town bustling with automatons, but the owner died, and you have to find the heir, an uber-designer of automatons. I heartily recommend it.

SANCTUM - Think of it as a blend between a tabletop gaming board/chess with collectible card units/abilities. I really loved it in it's heyday, but it's still going on and I check in now and then. Hard to beat for it's enjoyability.

• MYST , and RIVEN , and now MYST III - Exile, URU, and MYST IV - Revelation - top-tier adventure/puzzle games that has an amazing ability to immerse you in it's deep world full of beauty and mystery. Ubisoft published these, Cyan developed them. I strongly, strongly recommend you play them all. Myst IV is freaking gorgeous.

NETHACK - oooweee... that's sure a demanding game...Lemme tell you, that's a game you have to try for about a hundred times (which is about the amount of games in which you'll get enough experience to know what's going on... heh heh)Anyway... - Nethack Home Page

Companies that create games - the games they created that I like are under their listing

INFOCOM - The company (or was it a division?) of Activision makes the BEST text-based games I've ever played. Hey... stop laughing... I'm not kidding.They make real brain busters, and I'm pretty good at games (puzzle-based, mostly, but I RULE at strategy games), and I've always had to peek at a cheat/walk-through if I ever wanted to get through something without going loony. Here's a few examples of their games:
1. Planetfall, and its sequel, Stationfall
2. Suspended
3. Beyond Zork
5. A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I'll include the url when I find it.

FIRAXIS - They created ALPHA CENTAURI (now expanded with ALIEN CROSSFIRE) - The strategy PC game that rules has made me a slave to it. It's a space-based empire building game, sorta like SimCity, only on steroids and better. It's a game that was made by Sid Meiers, a man that thought up Gettysburg, the Civil War strategy game. (I played it too, and it rocked!). They've created SID MEIERS' GETTYSBURY, among others, and gone on to create PIRATES.

BLIZZARD - This is the company that made DIABLO and Diablo 2 (and the expansion to it) They also did WARCRAFT I and 2 and 3, and StarCraft, but I haven't played these. They've just come out with an extremely successful multiplayer game set in the Warcraft mileu - World of Warcraft, but I don't play it.. I occasionally drop into their website to see how are going along, and for their artwork (company artist-done and fan-done)

ROBINSON TECHNOLOGIES - they created DINK SMALLWOOD - This was an entertaining game... mmmm... This had nice humor, smooth action, wonderful graphics, and potential longevity due to its D-MODS. They also did FUNERAL QUEST - a pretty morbid and entertaining online game where you run a funeral parlor against others. Right now, they're mainly making games for PDAS and cellphones.


Board Games (links not attached yet - may never will be)

• CHESS - The hallmark of genius (or at least as most people percive it), I learned to play it at an early age, but didn't actually reach proficency until a couple years ago. My dad and uncle plays it too, and very well, too. I'm on my school's chess team, and I've been first chair last year, and odds are I'll be too, this year. There's a whole plethora of chess sites on the Web, so it's not easy to link to sites of specific topics, so I'm going to link to huge chess link galleries, at least until I sort some out. I'm going to put the links on a dedicated chess page.

• MANCALA - I was recently introduced to this interesting game, and despite only a few games played so far, I like it quite a bit. The game doesn't seem similar to contemporary games that I've played so far, so I can't provide some parallels.