Heavyporker's Artworks


Introduction rehash:

- Note, pictures have been taken down in preparation for a re-do. Thank you for your patience.

My name is John. I want to welcome you all to my newly-renovated home site. I'm well into my senior college years, as an Art & Tech major at Ohio State University. I've been taking up drawing, digital manipulation, 3d sculpture/modelling, robotics, and glassblowing. A little clay work, but not much. I've also done some clay work. Some woodworking, too, but alas, that's lost - it was a nice 3d interpretation of a 2d cubistic guitar, I forget the artist. Note : due to old logitech camera/webcam, the photographic quality of most of the pictures overall isn't high, so used Photoshop to touch up some of the pictures with : sharpen more, sharpen more, blur. Note : The pictures are not in chronological order.

01/13/07 - Took out many pictures to make room on Geocities account, trying to raise the general quality of the remaining pictures. I'll try to edit out the craplinks. Thank you for your patience, whoever looks at this.

My Glass:


My 3d models:


My Robotics:


My Sculptures:



My Holograms:

(I just want to brag - one of these holograms made it into a formal art showing at OSU)

I'll try and get pictures once I get a decent point-source light that'll illuminate holograms properly. This halogen worklight of mine here just blurs them up.