The Campfire Jokes

These are a few of the more light hearted things I have heard during my time in the Clan. Most of the creators are not in the Clan but shared their humour with us around the campfire one summer's night. Hope you enjoy these, I certainly did.

Bill the Rat

From John Coble

Monica the Pidgeon

From John Coble

Celeborn's Party Dress

From Jean-Paul Keulen

Paranoid Gay Rights Activists Looking for Homophobics

From Martijn Steultjens

Leonardo Dicaprio's Eye

You are Leonardo Dicaprio. You are not of average height, and you may not play in good films. When this card is in play, Great Ship is automatically ineffectual. Your hand-size is decreased by 1. Your general influence is increased by 7 (Don't flame me, I don't think he's "pretty"). Once during each turn you may choose to wear an ugly mask, or to die in a disgustingly weak-hearted scene.
From Martijn Zwiers

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