The Campfire Jokes
These are a few of the more light hearted things I have heard during my time in the Clan. Most of the creators are not in the Clan but shared their humour with us around the campfire one summer's night. Hope you enjoy these, I certainly did.
Bill the Rat
- Fallen Hero Character : 2 Mind :8 DI : 5 MP :2/11 p/b
- Human Scout/Diplomat
- Homesite: Little Rock
- Unique. Bill can be brought into play at his Homesite or at any other site where you successfully play Faithless Steward. Once per turn he may search your discard pile, play deck or sideboard for any of the following: Dodge, Ruse, Bold Thrust, Crooked Promptings, Honey on the Tongue, Sneakin', A Friend or Three, Into Dark Tunnels, Smoke Rings, and Weilded Twice. At the end of every turn Bill *must* tap if he has not already done so.
Any time any of the following resources are played, Bill must make a corruption check at -2: An Untimely Whisper, I'll Report You, News Must Get Through, To Satisfy the Questioner, Alert the Folk, Here is a Snake!, Lapse of Will, Risky Blow, Secret News, When You Know More or Cracks of Doom. If Bill is discarded your opponent wins the next five elections (whoops) games automatically.
From John Coble
Monica the Pidgeon
- Bird Ally : 1 Mind : 2 MP: 0/5 p/b
- Playable by Bill at any Free Hold. May tap to untap Bill. May tap to recycle Open to the Summons, Blow Turned, Ready to His Will, Swift Strokes, Under His Blow, Use Your Legs, and The Cock Crows, from your discard pile. Bill may discard Monica at any time he chooses, but *must* discard her when Gates of Morning or Star of High Hope comes into play. If he discards her he must make a corruption check at -3.
From John Coble
Celeborn's Party Dress
- Special Item.
- 1 CP
- Unique. Playable at Lorien only. Tap to make character wearing it female until end of turn. He/She now gets the nazgul prowess/body modifications. Character makes a corruption check (danger of character running off to become a professional drag
From Jean-Paul Keulen
Paranoid Gay Rights Activists Looking for Homophobics
- Creature
- Men (too obvious, so no joke here)
- 1 Strike at 10
- May attack a character wearing Celeborn's Party-dress if the
character is not in a Haven. This attack cannot be canceled because he's coming from beh......I didn't say that, it wasn't me, officer.
From Martijn Steultjens
Leonardo Dicaprio's Eye
You are Leonardo Dicaprio. You are not of average height, and you may not play in good films. When this card is in play, Great Ship is automatically ineffectual. Your hand-size is decreased by 1. Your general influence is increased by 7 (Don't flame me, I don't think he's "pretty"). Once during each turn you may choose to wear an ugly mask, or to die in a disgustingly
weak-hearted scene.
From Martijn Zwiers
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