Thanehand's Throne Room

You have entered the throne room of Lord Thanehand Calarii, Dunlending Lord and Lore Master of the Western Clans. Here is gathered all the lore of Arda. You are welcome to read and learn, to gain knowledge and power through the study of the many tomes available here.

Thanehand's Library

Here can be found a full list of all the cards in Middle Earth the Collectible Card Game. Spoilers are given for each card except for the Challenge decks. The cards are sorted by expansion and then by type.

Thanehand's Deck Archive

This is a small collection of sample decks for MECCG. Please feel free to send in any new decks you would like to see here. This page will be updated regularly as members of the Western Clans learn new ways to continue the struggle in Middle Earth.

The stories of Middle-Earth and their Decks!: Under Construction!

In this place you can hear stories of Eriador or Mordor. Great adventurers tell the tales of their travels. One can also find sages who will give advice to those who would recreate these scenarios.

Fight the War of the Ring at home!

This is a scenario for the computer game Civillisation II. It is set from about the time Sauron redeclares himself (circa 3019) till the end of the Third Age. There are seven civillisations, Dwarves, Elves, Gondor, Rohan, Sauron, Saruman and The Free Peoples (an amalgamation of others, Hobbits, Eagles etc). It has been completely remodeled to suit Middle-Earth with new units, advances, improvements etc. As always there are a few suprises!

Meet the Rules Lawyer (Collected MECCG Rules).

Here you can learn from sages who know every rule of the world we live in. They can show you all the rules inserts from the expansions for MECCG. they can also show you to Ichabod's rulings on any topic your mind could comprehend. For those of you seeking a new challange, he also knows some interesting rules variants! All your queries answered or your money back.

The People of the Western Clans

Let me introduce you to my companions in the Western Clans. Here is a description of all my collegues as well as a description of their styles and preferences. A little family gathering you could say, come on they won't bite.

The Campfire Jokes :-)

A few little anecdotes I've picked up over the years. I hope they give you as much laughter as they gave me. I certainly hope they don't cause any offence as none is intended. Enjoy!

Thanehand's Art Gallery

In this hall are stored works of art from all over Middle-Earth, the very best of Tolkien art is here in a vast collection of creative excellence. See the full glory of Middle-Earth as depicted by some of the world best artists. Your pleasure is guaranteed.

The German Promos

These are the infamous promotional cards produced by Queen's Games in Germany. My people have had to suffer great hardship to gather this information. They are only to be found in the hoards of those who collect such trinkets and by plying gold and silver on their makers. Good luck to all who covet them for themselves!

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