Monument to Konstantin Tsiolkovskiy, Russian space flight pioneer
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Statistical data (under development)
Russia in 2300 is a medium-sized power with advanced industry and moderate space-going ambition. It appears to be focused on shoring up its position on Earth, though not to the point of completely ignoring the importance of presence in space in any balance of power calculation. Its current preoccupation is reunification with Siberia, a province which has been a part of Russia for centuries and became a separate state only following the tragic Twilight War. Russian government has dedicated considerable financial and economic resources to achieve this goal, and preliminary negotiations on admitting Siberia to the Russian Federation have already begun.
France: Formerly Russia's number one foreign partner, France remains a major ally although the level of cooperation has decreased somewhat in favor of improved relations with Germany and Japan. This policy is still quite controversial among Russia's opposition parties and it is yet to be seen whether it will bring desired benefits. Should it fail, it will doubtlessly bring down the current government as well, bringing about a possible radical change in Russia's foreign policy orientation.
Germany: Russia's relations with Germany, proper but cool for the last century or so, became considerably more cordial in the course of the last decade due to a number of unrelated developments. The two most important ones was France's defeat in the War of German Reunification and the growing realization that France was becoming strategically overstretched, and potentially incapable of living up to its commitments.
Siberia: Russian government is conducting a concerted effort to bring Siberia back into the Russian Federation. These efforts have been continuing for nearly a century, to the point that the two countries are now one in all but name. Of course, it is too early to say whether this policy will bring the desired effect, given the politically volatile, multipolar Earth of the 24th century.
Japan: Russia's cooperation with this country dates back only to the Central Asian War, when the two sides' troops and warships fought side by side against a common enemy. Russian and Japanese ground troops are continuing to forge a lasting relationship serving as peacekeepers in the war-torn Central Asian Republic. Prompted by the French refusal to sell them modern warships, Russian and Japanese governments signed agreements on scientific cooperation which spawned a number of joint R&D projects aimed at creating a modern domestic shipbuilding industry. Their most significant achievement to date is the compact 100MW fusion reactor powering the new class of Russian destroyers and a number of Japanese warships as well.
Manchuria: Russia's relationship with Manchuria is an ambivalent one. While the trade between the two countries is booming, the memories of the recent Central Asian War are still fresh in most Russians' minds. Russian military uses Manchuria as the benchmark for measuring own military capabilities and most war plans and exercises are crafted with the goal of preparing to repel a potential Manchurian incursion into Russian-controlled territory. With the exception of a small faction of revanchists in the Parliament spoiling for a fight with Manchuria, most Russian politicians (as well as ordinary citizens) would prefer to engage Manchuria in trade, rather than combat.
America: Relations between these two powers appear likely to only get better. The two countries are at approximately the same level of technological and economic development and are pursuing policies which are not likely to impinge on one another's interests. More than anything else, the situation in 2300 resembles the state of affairs during 19th century, before the two countries' economic interests clashed in China. America and Russia appear ready to become distant and informal allies, assisting each other due to lack of conflicts, rather than any compelling common interests.
At the same time, lack of colonies (easily accessible markets for own manufactured goods) means that Russia is handicapped economically due to what it perceives as protectionistic policies of colonial administrations who give preferential treatment to companies based in their respective home countries. Therefore Russia seeks to promote colonial separatist movements as they promise to give Russia access to markets, raw materials, and fleet bases on more favorable terms, although it does so using only diplomatic means.
The reason for this reversal of policy is simple, though largely not understood by other governments. Russian government policy revolves around the conviction that most, if not all colonies will eventually seek political independence as soon as they become economically independent of their home worlds. While there may still exist some nostalgia for the Home Planet among first-generation settlers, it will not be as manifest in succeeding generations born and raised on colonial worlds. Before too long the colonies will become materially independent of their home worlds and "rugged, self-reliant" colonists' unwillingness to subsidize "bloated, inefficient" bureaucracies back home will overcome whatever feelings of patriotism they may have had. This tendency will only become exacerbated if Earth legislatures give in to the temptation to solve domestic budgetary problems through increased taxation of the colonies. Inclusion of colonial representatives in Earth legislatures may delay this danger somewhat, but will not avert it since colonials will amount to no more than a small fraction of legislators and will find themselves consistently outvoted on the taxation issue.
Outbreak of the Kafer War froze this process entirely. With the danger of Kafer invasion hanging over every colony (in the French arm, at least), any resentment over Earth governments interference in colonial affairs will be outweighed by colonists defense needs which they clearly cannot meet themselves. Ironically, Kafers may yet prove Earth governments' best tool for keeping their colonies in line.
Therefore, as far as Russia is concerned, Kafers must be eliminated
as a credible threat to Human space if the process of colonial emancipation
is to continue.
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