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"Albedo" is a anthropomorphic sci-fi comic book by Steve Gallacci published initially by Thoughts and Images, then by Antarctic Press. Its publication has been very intermittent in the past few years and seems to have ceased altogether. In addition, Thoughts and Images published two editions of the Albedo RPG and some supplements. Not being a huge fan of anthropomorphics, I was attracted to Albedo because of its well developed setting, complex story line and, last but not least, Steve Gallacci's hard-science vision of the future of military technology. This article represents an attempt to translate this vision into Full Thrust and Dirtside II.
Designing Albedo Ships with Full Thrust, 2nd Ed.
Only the weapons and systems listed below may be used in designing ships compatible with the Albedo setting.
FTL drives
While the C-Batteries and PDAFs in Full Thrust accurately represent their counterparts in Albedo, missiles (Albedo ACVs) require additional rules. Treat them as having movement of 18" per turn, virtually unlimited endurance, and being able to attack each other and ships as if they were fighters. In addition, they inflict 2 dice of damage as per More Thrust missile rules.
ACVs can also be used for planetary bombardments and the ILR even developed a specialized kinetic energy cluster munition ACV for that purpose. Treat each Missile as equivalent to 4 ortillery bombardments.
Furthermore, since Albedo ships do not use reactionless Full Thrust-style engines, they are able to fire into the Aft quadrant.
Ship Conversions
The ships listed below come from the Albedo RPG and represent generic ships of their class. All ships listed below also have FTL drives. Following conversion factors were used:
Each 4 ACVs = 1 missile
Each 4 Beams = 1 C-Battery (FSPA)
Each point defense = 1 PDAF
Maneuver rating = Thrust
Frigate (FT Category: Escort)
Mass: 10
Damage points: 5
Thrust: 4
1 Class C Battery FSPA
1 Missile
Points: 58
Escort (FT Category: Escort)
Mass: 14
Damage points: 7
Thrust: 3
2 Class C Batteries FSPA
2 Missiles
Points: 80
Destroyer (FT Category: Cruiser)
Mass: 24
Damage points: 12
Thrust: 5
2 Class C Batteries FSPA
4 Missiles
Points: 174
Light Cruiser (FT Category: Cruiser)
Mass: 30
Damage points: 15
Thrust: 5
3 Class C Batteries FSPA
5 Missiles
Points: 219
Cruiser (FT Category: Capital)
Mass: 38
Damage points: 19
Thrust: 4
3 Class C Batteries FSPA
7 Missiles
Points: 332
Very Large Command Carrier (VLCC) (Full Thrust Category: Supership)
Mass: 606
Damage points: 303
Thrust: 2
8 Class C Batteries (FSPA)
12 Missiles
4 fighter groups
Troop Berth (CS 4800) (Mass: 96)
Dropship capability for 1600 CS (Mass: 160)
8 Size 20 Bays
Points: 4472 (!)
The VLCC data is largely conjectural. I assumed that a single VLCC can carry a reinforced EDF battalion (estimated 100 Small vehicles, 1000 troops) with sufficient dropships (a mix of heavy and light transport aeros) to transport the whole unit in three lifts and other associated aerospace craft. For all its size, it is a conservative design since it is possible to infer from some Albedo sources that a VLCC is in fact capable of transporting an entire brigade of 5000 troops. The "fighters" represent the heavy aerodyne gunships described below which are also capable of space combat.
It seems that there are few, if any, differences between the ships of the EDF (Extra-Planetary Defense Force) and the ILR (Independent Lepine Republic). The two opponents do have different naming conventions for their ships. EDF's ships' names usually start with letters "DH" followed by a 3-digit number (e.g., DH588) or letters "FSV" plus a 2-digit number (e.g., FSV18). While the EDF's naming conventions are not explained, one can infer that the FSV designations apply to VLCCs and DH to all other classes. ILR gives their ships more conventional names, "Gaewahn" and "Gwanni" being two examples. The RPG states that there exist supership classes other than the VLCC but does not give any details. The comic books do not show any of them in action, however, nor do they even allude to their existence (with the exception of the VLCC.) A typical EDF task force appears to be composed of one VLCC with an EDF battalion and supporting aerospace units on board, plus an unspecified number of cruisers and destroyers.
While the ships used by the ILR and EDF are virtually indistinguishable from one another, there is considerably more differentiation when it comes to ground equipment. In general, EDF favors tracked vehicles, while ILR's AFVs are without exception wheeled. Both sides make extensive use of aerodynes, fusion-powered vectored-thrust VTOL supersonic aerospace craft in transport and combat variants.
Vehicles of the EDF (The AV-4 Family)
The AV-4 is a light tracked vehicle which serves as the basis for an entire family of AFVs. The EDF, being a rapid-deployment expeditionary force, places heavy emphasis on easily transportable vehicles.
The following AV-4 variants have been identified or at least mentioned in the various issues of the comic book and the RPG:
Note: All AV-4 variants are Class 2 vehicles with Fast Tracked mobility (Amphibious), CFE power, Armor 2 (Reactive).
An APSW-H is a new weapon system. APSW/H fires like a RFAC/1 except that it draws no chits against armored vehicles at Long and Medium ranges, and Yellow chits at Close range. APSW/H takes up 2 capacity points and may not be installed as a "free" APSW. APSW/H costs 6 points.
The basic AV-4 variant, an APC
1 APSW, 2 Infantry Teams
An APC variant with heavier armament
1 APSW-H in turret, 1 APSW, 2 Infantry Teams
An IFV variant
1 RFAC/1 in turret w/Enhanced Firecon, 1 APSW, 1 Infantry Team
A fire support version
1 RFAC/2 in turret w/Enhanced Firecon, 1 GMS/H, 1 APSW
AV-4 Light tank variant
1 HKP/3 or HVC/3 in turret w/Enhanced Firecon, 1 APSW
AV-4 Mortar carrier
1 RAM Mortar (Light Artillery)
Vehicles of the ILR
In contrast to the EDF, ILR's vehicles do not share a standardized chassis. All vehicles should be considered to have Reactive armor.
Scout Car (4-wheeled)
Class 1 (Very Small), Armor 1, Hi-Mob Wheeled Mobility (Amphibious), CFE power
1 APSW, 1 Inf Team.
APC (6-wheeled)
Class 2 (Small), Armor 2, Hi-Mob Wheeled Mobility (Amphibious), CFE power
1 APSW, 2 Inf Teams
Heavy Scout Car (6-wheeled)
Class 2 (Small), Hi-Mob Wheeled Mobility (Amphibious), CFE power
1 RFAC/2 in turret, Enhanced Firecon, 1 APSW
Heavy Fire Support Vehicle (8-wheeled)
Class 3 (Medium), Hi-Mob Wheeled Mobility, CFE power
1 HKP/3 or 1 HVC/3 in turret, Enhanced Firecon, 1 APSW, 1 Infantry Team
There appear to be no differences between the aeros used by both sides. Here are some representative designs:
Light Gunship:
Class 2 (Small), VTOL Mobility, FGP power, Armor 1
2 RFAC/1 in limited-traverse turret w/Enhanced Firecon, 1 GMS/H w/Enhanced Guidance, 1 APSW
Light Transport
Class 2 (Small), VTOL Mobility, FGP power, Armor 1
1 RFAC/1 in limited-traverse turret w/Enhanced Firecon, 1 APSW, 2 Infantry Teams
Heavy Gunship
Class 4 (Large), VTOL Mobility, FGP power, Armor 2
2 HKP/3 in turret w/ Enhanced Firecon, 1 GMS/H (Enhanced Guidance), 1 APSW
Heavy Transport
Class 4 (Large), VTOL Mobility, FGP power, Armor 2
1 RFAC/2 in limited-traverse turret w/Enhanced Firecon, 1 APSW. May carry 4 Infantry Teams or 1 Class 2 vehicle.
While aerodynes are VTOL aircraft, they are also capable of supersonic flight. If using aeros in scenarios you may treat them either as VTOL or aerospace vehicles. Aerodynes may trade some or all onboard weapons for DFO loads.
Albedo Resources
Back issues of the "Albedo" comic book can be ordered from Antarctic Press, while the RPG can probably be found at various on-line gaming catalogs. Apart from that, there are only a few web sites dedicated to Albedo, including a GURPS Albedo article and an Albedo RPG page.