Here You will find a Land of Illusion
As at the end of "The Neverending Story" I stand upon the last solid mote of unreality with only the light of imagination to force back the great nothing....
And so I stand empowered to create a new world, by simply giving it a name ...
The name I give it is...
"Cold Hearted Orb that rules the night, steals the colors from our sight. Red is gray and yellow white,
yet we DECIDE which is right and which is an Illusion...."Author unknown
SO join me as my world builds and perhaps intermingles and entwines with other worlds of Fantasy but Remember as this is a WORLD BUILDING AREA be sure to bring your HardHat....
BTW ...AS I'm a bit new at this world building business bear with me...
" And together we will stand on the threshold of a dream..."
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