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Be sure to also visit the Sietch Community, a forum
I have running to compliment this website. Sietch Community can be reached
Urls for this page are: www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/1937 the same as
www.geocities.com/sherlockazulu You can reach me via email at: sherlockazulu@yahoo.com I'm not making any money off my web page (meaning I choose not to) and the only commodity I seem to be spending is my time. I am also not affiliated with the Last Unicorn Games or FRPG companies in any way and any information you may find on this web page should be considered unofficial. Although I can say I was a LUG playtester for the JOTC and TAT expansions. The Chapterhouse Times is quite simply the ultimate online Dune CCG reference tool you'll ever find. To give credit where credit is due: Space is provided by Geocities. They provide 15 Mb of server space to be shaped by the sherlock to carry out his mission and supply up-to-date information on the ccg, in accordance with Imperial standards of course.
I'm a dedicated Dune fan. Among my Dune items, I own many different versions of the movie plus the mini series and have viewed each one countless times; the soundtrack to the movie; all six books in the Dune chronicles which I've read several times. I also own the now out-of-print Dune Encyclopedia and have read much of it from entry A to entry Z like a book. To show I have a sense of humor, I own the National Lapoon's parody of Dune titled "Doon," the search for beer which is quite good. I obtained a copy of the Dune movie board game and I also own the excellent Avalon Hill version. I also have comic issues, storybook and a popup book all modeled after the movie. I'm sure there's many other items I'm forgetting. I'm glad to see a card game made of the wondrous universe of Dune. It's unfortunate it wasn't more successful. I am first a Dune fan which led to my interest in the CCG. I shall know your ways as if born to them. If you don't think so, go jump on a spice blow. It is by caffeine alone, I set my mind in motion. the sherlock