All about me
Okay this is me, I'll start off by telling you abit about myself. My name is Trevor McEwin,
I'm in my 19th year in this world. I am a musician who loves experimenting with sounds, instruments
and chocolate*BAS* I have siblings, Whoo hoo(very sacarstic)j/k and life isn't too bad. I
enjoy chatting on the net in my spare time, and I love Dave Grohl(my Idol) and the Foo Fighters*BAS* People
usually look at me as a freak or a rebel, but I'm just here doing my own thing and if they don't like it
well what can I say, they can go to hell in a hat bag for all I care. Then there is the reason for me being
on this planet, well that I don't know about, all I know is that I'm here to keep people wondering, is there
life on other planets???????? well anyways now that I've scared you enough I'll let you guys carry on your
much more exciting lives than mine, cause well when you got it, you got it, and when you don't well I'm sure
you can all figure out that if you don't got it you're just like me*EG* alright well I'll catch you all on the
flipside cause I'm outta here....

This picture was taken sometime at my school, yippee skippee(sarcastic) that's my
buddy Aaron who used to sing in our band called 4 Degrees below...

This Pic was taken at my school too, it was for Art, a friend of mine wanted me to
pose so I did, I'm not sure why...

This is me and my little buddy*BAS*

This is me on one of my more hyper days if you couldn't tell*LOL*

This is me and my ex-girlfriend on the night of the semi-formal dance.

Say Cheeeeeeeeese!

This is me on a good day if you can imagine, well catch you all on the flipside.

Take me Home