From the novella The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe, 1972 |
"You are an unbound simulator. What is a bound simulator, and whom are you simulating -- my father?" ...He paused again, and for an instant his face dissolved into myriad sparkling dots, swirling like dust motes in a sunbeam. "I am sorry. For once you wish to listen but I do not wish to lecture. I was told, a very long time ago, just before the operation, that my simulation -- this -- would be capable of emotion under certain circumstances. Until today I had always thought they lied." I would have stopped him if I could, but he rolled out of the room before I could recover from my surprise.
"No." The face in the screen, Mr. Million's face as I had always thought of it, shook its head. "Call me, call the person simulated, at least, your great-grandfather. He -- I -- am dead. In order to achieve simulation, it is necessary to examine the cells of the brain, layer by layer, with a beam of accelerated particles so that the neural pattens can be reproduced, we say 'core imaged', in the computer. The process is fatal."
[30 Mar 97]
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