LunarWhirlwind's Lair

Irrashaimasu and/or Welcome to my lair!
Though I have quite a few other pages that are in the works as of late, this is a private one that I insist be dedicated to my characters and the MU**s that they play at.

  • Go to the Illustration and Illustration Requests page


    Wanna know what's goin on... now see here!

  • February 26, 2001- Work on the current character pictures has been going generally slow, and this is unfortunate. But as it seems the other more pressing obligations have come up and attention has had to be placed elsewhere in a manner which though I am still working on all the images slows my work. I appologise for the delay and have completed and just put up the new picture of Olfo, just finished last night. And I think it to be my nicest one to date thus far. Well, save for that If you didn't notice the updates have moved to the index and front page of the site. Which will soon be getting frames and the like to better fill it out, nothing to fancy, but enough for navigational pourposes, and that's enough. Anyways, that's all for now. La'ti'sti'seta'kwa! Ja, matta.... later!

    February 20, 2001- Well, today marks some major changes in this lil' page'o'mine. First of, there is now an update page... secondly I've started the project of making info pages for all of my characters.

    Character request page-- I've finished the preliminary sketches for Olfo and Henna and Teradoc and and am continuing with the prelims of the others while continuing work on Olfo's main picture in general. Not to mention polishing up Filby's a bit (the wheels were bothering me among other things). On the side I've been doodling the trinkets that Moonflower gave to both Midien and Tommy on their birthdays.