Welcome to MTU sector, your dome-away-from-dome! I'm Xyx-O-XIX, and it is my pleasure to serve The Computer as your guide to this lovely outpost of Alpha Complex.
The first thing you'll need is a general guide for surviving, both here and in Alpha Complex. As you can tell, this guide is Red clearance, so all you Infrareds can't read it. You are still loyal to the Computer, correct, Citizen?
For those of you who were shipped to MTU sector without being fully briefed, allow me to explain thngs to you. MTU sector is a small base of Alpha Complex that The Computer placed far away from Alpha so that R&D could perform high-security experiments without endangering all of the Complex. (If you're lucky, you'll get to see some of the more successful gadgets in action from clear across the sector.) Due to distance, we sometimes have to make do with less than standard maintanence, especially on our dome. Transport to MTU sector is usually performed by flybots on their last flight... which may also account for some of the holes in the dome. What this means to most Citizens is you can't return to Alpha without help from an R&D flybot. Please stop screaming, it won't do you any good now.
Speaking of R&D, no tour of MTU Sector is complete without a trip to Xaos-I-NNN's lab - if you're of the proper security clearance, of course. You can see the smoke from here already... He must have started early this morningcycle.
Ahem... Back to the holes in the dome...
Sometimes, a cold white crystalline powder will enter the dome through the holes. Don't be alarmed, it is something we call snow, and is not Ultraviolet Clearance. When exposed to warm temperatures, it melts. Although the liquid form appears to be useless, snow in its natural form can be used as temporary building material by Junior Citizens. It can also be used as a projectile weapon if surprised by Commie Mutant Traitors, and HPD&MC is experimenting with using it as an artistic display material for an experimental entertainment venue, to take place once a yearcycle.
Some clones may have already noticed the shortage of vidcams and coaxial lasers. There are several reasons for this. First, since this is an R&D-dominated sector, the frequency of testing is fairly high and some vid units get damaged. Second, the distance from Alpha means that no transmission can easily get through, so The Computer rarely gets much direct information on the day-to day activities here. Needless to say, this means that there is a rather heavy IntSec presence here, although they are very good at hiding that fact.
Ahem... please stop looking at me like I'm secretly in IntSec. I work for HPD&MC, as befits the official greeter for MTU Sector. Admittedly, there are probably some agents looking you over even now, but you'll never find them. We've had some attempted break-ins around the Sector as of late... apparently, some of the mutants from beyond the Forbidden Zone have been trying to destroy what we've worked so hard to accomplish... What's the Forbidden Zone?!?!? That was the one part of the briefing that no clone was supposed to miss! The Forbidden Zone is defined to the north, south, and east by the large toxic waste pools that eat a clone's flesh away in minutecycles... far to the east, a large structure crosses the southern waste pool to the unknown lands beyond the Forbidden Zone that we assume the mutants come from. To the west and southwest lays a giant crater that we assume was caused by another complex long ago. If you stay within this area, you will be perfectly safe. Now, if you'll just head through that door over there... oops... sorry... should've warned you that the door was R&D's latest model... works pretty well, but you have to remember to knock first... could somebody please clean that mess up? If you let it sit there, this entire corridor is going to smell like napalm, charred flesh, and bubble gum for a month...
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