Wildmage’s Ludicrous Dweomer
(, Invocation/Evocation)
V, SDuration:
SpecialCasting Time:
7Area of Effect:
SpecialSaving Throw:
This spell is an improved version of the 1st level spell Nahal’s reckless dweomer, as found in the Tome of Magic. When cast, the wild mage unleashes a sudden rush of wild magic with the intention of forming some of it into a desired spell effect.
Before casting the spell, the mage declares the spell effect he is attempting to duplicate. The mage must know the spell in question, but need not have it memorized. After announcing the spell and any other necessary information, such as target area or creature, the wild mage casts this spell. A flood of magical energy flows through the mage, who then tries to mold the energy into the desired form.
The spell creates two wild surges instead of just the one created by Nahal’s. Because the surges were planned for, the mage can add ˝ his level to the dice roll for each surge. Both surges will take effect. If the result indicates success on either roll, the desired effect occurs. Most often, the surges will generate different effects, but if both indicate the same result, the effect happens twice. Please note, that since this spell creates two entirely random results, most characters will tend to be very upset after someone casts this spell.
Wildmage’s Distraction
(Enchantment/Charm, Illusion/Phantasm)
10 yardsComponents:
V, S, MDuration:
SpecialCasting Time:
SpecialArea of Effect:
1 intelligent creatureSaving Throw:
This spell is used to distract one intelligent creature from whatever it is currently doing. Casting this spell requires at least one assistant, who need not be a spell-caster. The spell requires at least one round of preparation before the actual casting begins. To prepare, the wizard and assistant must decide on a method of distracting the target and must disguise themselves in a manner befitting the method of distrction. This must be done before the target can see the caster. Any props to be used must also be placed before the target approaches. For example, the caster may choose to turn a small room into a beauty salon, requiring wigs, smocks, at least one table, and chairs.
The wizard casts the spell when the target is within range by getting their attention and then by acting out the distraction. The target gets a save versus spells at the start of the casting to resist the effect, modified by Wisdom. If the caster or the assistant have the acting or disguise proficiencies, the save is penalized one point. Interestingly, if the target is themselves disguised or costumed, they automatically fail their saving throw. If the saving throw is failed, the spell can continue to be cast for up to one round per level of the caster. when the wizard finishes casting the spell, they and the assistant may leave under a pretext suitable for the distraction. The target then stays where they are for an amount of time equal to the spell's casting time.
In addition to the props and disguises, which are not consumed in the casting, this spell requires one small snack suitable for a pet. (preferably Scooby Snacks)