Heres all the Phantasy Star stuff you could possibly want. If not email me and I can probably get it. I've added a Picture Section . I've put up some of my favorite pictures. I'll certainly take any Phantasy Star picture you have so email them to me. I'd like some more picture of chaz or rolf with swords. Hey I'd take anything you would want to give me. Right now I'm working on geting copies of all the foreign phantasy star translations, that way I can have all of the games possible.
Phantasy Star Online Version 2 has just recently come out. I'll work to put up some stuff on that resonalby soon. But, for now I'll just tell you where to find me in the game. I play a HUnewearl named Krysten who level 83+, and I also play a RAmar named Krystys level 41+, and sometimes a FOnewm named Krystinys level 11+, and I should also have another character a FOnewearl named Krystyne level 9+, notice the naming convention hehe. I usually play in the Puck ship Blocks 1-4 and sometimes I go play with the Europeans in the Titan ship, as I speak a little German. Anyways look for me if you need someone to play/trade with.
Phantasy Star Online SectionMy favorite of the Phantasy Star Games was PsIII. I know some people will think thats wierd, but PsIII had more in the way of good gameplay and difficulty than the others, but less in the way of animations and storyline. There so many more places to go and items to get--whatever you might get my point. So anyway I've included walkthroughs for each of the games. Eventually I'll add another file on the generation skip in PSIII as soon as I catch up with my Physics homework.
Title | Game | Walkthrough | More Walkthroughs and addtional info | System |
Phantasy Star | Phantasy Star I | walkthrough | another walkthrough | Master System |
Phantasy Star II | Phantasy Star II | PSII Walkthrough | PSII Quick Walkthrough | Genesis |
Phantasy Star III | Phantasy Star III | PSIII Walkthrough | another walkthrough | Genesis |
Phantasy Star IV | Phantasy Star IV | PSIV Walkthrough | antoher walkthrough | Genesis |
Phantasy Star Online | no rom yet | PSO Walkthrough | antoher walkthrough | DreamCast |