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Hi there.
So who am I.
Well, I'm a gamer
an electronics student, and a lover. Generally I'm a nice guy.
Oh sure, people point to the numerous assassinations since I've come to power. I laugh at
these Marks.
 | Born in the Lowlands of New Mexico, I am Immortal.
 | I've spent numerous years aquiring information that I will use to overthrow the NWO in
favor of Dogberts NRC.
 | Former Captain of a Volunteer Fire-Rescue squad, (IV technician, needles....We have ways
of making you talk Herr prisoner...MU-hahahahaha..))
 | I Served some time in Nam....no wait, that was El Paso, Tx <shudder> it just felt
like a DMZ
 | Spent 2 years near Stuart Air Force Base NY [Classified]
 | Worked for an Explosive Research Center (MU-hahahahaha)...Okay, so i worked in
Publications, but still, MU-hahahaha!
 | I have over a million college credits and no degree. Although I should be getting my
Electronics degree before too long. Watch out! Update: 1 More semester to go!!!
Here's a picture of my Bro. You can see the sick twisted life I've lead.
I feel lousy for using him as a test subject for my gengineering projects, but mice are so

I made this page cuz I was sick of certain snooty webauthors out there who couldn't be
bothered to reply to requests for fonts or ANY other website info. Bastards!!!
So I compiled everything that I use for making kewl ConX type nick nacks and
web-nacks.....Feel free to contact me if you have any Q's. |