Conspiracy X Related Media
Compiled thru the efforts of all the conspirators on the Con X List.
Thanx Guyz n' Grrls, especially

Rating System
X= Use for
Interrogation of Black Book or EDEN personel only
XX = May cause
drowsiness. Do not operate heavy machinery.
Good Movie. Surgeon General has recovered from birth defects.
Excellent, must see! (No Pace makers allowed.)
XXXXX = OH My gawd!

Movies Television Literature Music

2001,2010 XXXX It starts with a monolith buried on the
moon. The adventure ends at jupiter. Contact.
Absolute Power
Clint Eastwood
Aliens XXXX
The Arrival
Brave New World ('98 TV) XXX
Utopian society where people are decanted, bred for a specific task, Alpha's,Beta's
and Gamma's.
Chain Reaction XX
Meteor takes out power grid. Society crumbles. Ends well.
China Syndrome XXX
About a nuclear reactor that is going to overload, and burn 'a hole to china'.
Clear & Present Danger XXX
Gov't involved in covert action DEA, NSA, FBI, CIA, Drug Cartels.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind XXX
First Contact, but the gov't doesnt want people to know.
Conspiracy Theory XX or XXX depending on how kewl you think MKUltra
is and whether or not you like Swell Mel Gibson.
Extreme Measures
Flashpoint XXXX
CKris Kristopherson plays a border patrol agent who uncovers evidence about the
assassination of JFK
The Hunt for Red October XXX
Gov't involved on cover up of a Soviet Ballistic Missile Submarine that may want to
Independence Day XX
I thought it could've been better, but i guess i should list it.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
JFK (Oliver Stone- Classic) A great Flick about The
Assassination XXXXX
The Long Kiss Goodnight XXXX
Geena Davis, Samuel L. Jackson, After 8 years of amnesia, she 'wakes up' and finds out
she used to work for the CIA. As an assassin. I really liked this flick, and so did
my Lady.
The Manchurian Candidate XXXX
Captured GI's from the Korean war are reprogrammed as Sleeper Assassins
Mission Impossible XXX
Good for Mole Hunt scenarios.
Most Wanted XXX
Keenan Ivory Wayans. Former SpecFor, in jail. Liberated for Black Ops. Things go way
wrong. Excellent flick!
Name Of The Rose XXX
Happens in a medieval monestary , where brothers keep coming up dead.
The Net XXX
Okay, except for some of the cheesy computer stuff.
No Way Out
Official Denial
Outbreak XXXX Ebola Zaire,
but worse...Dustin Hoffman
Predator I & II XXX
- Give you an idea of how a Saurian warrior would fight!
Shadow Conspiracy XXX
Charlie Sheen becomes a pawn in a shadow gov't
Sneakers XXXX
Robert Redford (Pro 2nd amendment), Dan Akroyd,River Phoenix. NSA, Mafia(?) Russians,
Encryption. Excellent. "My Voice is my passport, verify:
Soylent Green XXX
Utopian. Everyone dies at a specific age. Everyone. Some try to flee. Thats when the cops
come in to retrieve the runaways. Earth is over populated. Food is always in short supply.
Terminator I & II XXXX You're kidding, right? Arnold Schwatzennegar
They Live!
Universal Soldier
The Usual Suspects

Cadfael - British TV does a series
Dark Skies
Nowhere Man
Cell 13 - An FBI related show....

Artist - Album - Song
(Some of these were stolen from the Delta Green List)
Lies -
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime - All
Silence of The Lambs Soundtrack
Zevon - Lawyers, Guns
and Money
Judas Priest - The Green Manalishi (with the two pronged crown) -
Mark Snow - X-Files Theme -
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Chile
Metallica - The Call of Ktulu
The Eagles - Hotel California
The Cranberries - Zombie
The Blues Brothers Band (or the original CW song) Ghost Riders in the Sky
Golden Earring Twilight Zone
Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Deja Voodoo
Bad Company - Bad Company
David Bowie - Heroes
The Police - Every Breath You Take
Edgar Winters Group - Frankenstein
Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London
The Beatles - Happiness is a Warm Gun
Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime
The Doors - Peace Frog
Soul Coughing - Unmarked Helicopters --
Bob Dylan - Masters of War
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Cobalt-60's "Prophecy" from the Wing Commander Prophecy Soundtrack
Concrete Blonde - Mexican Moon CD - Jonestown
Radiohead - OK computer
The best album ever of conspiracy related music.- The entire 12 tracks are dedicated to
world powers forcing the individual to submit to them. With songs like "Paranoid
Android" - 61/2 minutes of abduction, "Fitter Happier" - has an 1984 feel
about it and "Electioneering" - a song about Politicians and the IMF. The CD was
made for playing con x to.
(review by C. Radcliffe)
Sountrack for Seven. It has two pieces by Howard Shore, the same man from Silence of the
Lambs, which are not that good as music but great as atmospheric sounds.
(from DG:List)

DIM says on historical conspiracy movies:
Some of the Kurasawa films had the odd betreyal in them. Also, "the
return of martin guerre" (with Gerrald Popadom) was centred around a
A doctor stumbles onto the fact that lots of patients slip into comas
while undergoing surgery at her hospital.
She then discovers that the comas are induced and the patients are
moved to a secret installation where their organs are removed and used
for other people. Basically black market organ sales.
"Extreme Measures"
Stars Hugh Grant and Gene Hackman. I thought it was going to be kack,
but it was actually very well made and had a damn fine story. Basic
premise was 'if you could cure cancer by killing just one person would
The Illuminatus Trilogy
by Robert Shea, and Robert Anton Wilson
(reviewed by Iktome)
A definitive textbook for paranoid conspiracy theory in the 60's and 70's, this
book has everything; the Illuminati, the Discordian Society, Atlantis, JFK,
George Washington and Adam Weisshaupt, the Society of Assassins, Sea Monsters,
Nazis, John Dillinger, H.P.Lovecraft, mind altering drugs, black magic,
transcendental illumination, LLoigor, talking porpoises and more. The
historical facts are so delicately intertwined with the truth that it's
impossible to distinguish them (and why would you want to?) and the appendices
are invaluable conspiracy resources. (this book was the primary inspiration for
the very playable Illuminati and Illuminati: new world order card games)
Revelations by Jacque Vallee
(reviewed by Iktome)
The real thing. Vallee (author of many other excellent books on the UFO
phenomenon) discusses the possibilities for hoaxes and conspiracies revolving
around UFO phenomena. He discusses several historical cases where governments
very likely put a big one over on us and played the UFO crowd for saps. He also
discusses the potential military and espionage uses of such hoaxes, and
speculates about past conspiracies. Very enlightening.
Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto
(reviewed by Iktome)
An Italian writer and his publisher friends, as a joke, program a computer spit
out a conspiracy theory built of random phrases and facts, and to carry the
joke further begin spreading the 'truth' as laid down by Abulafia (the
computer) Only problem is that there is a vast secret society network
subscribing to the same secret doctrines, with one inconsistency; they don't
have the answer to the riddle of the holy grail, and they want it, bad. A
fantastic piece of fiction (?)
Cosmic Voyage by Courtney
This book is presented as a non-fictional account of Mr Brown 'Remote Viewing'
Sessions. RV is somewhat like astra projection, in this case the mind has the ability,
after long training, to view any place, terrestrial or otherwise.
Brown presents a different take on the greys in this book. He believes there are two
versions, one that is cold and emotionless, and the other, the same race but from the
future after they have evolved more.
I personally found it to be a interesting light read. Some of if is hard to swallow,
but I'll let you make that choice. I think iread this book in about a day (its that
Some interesting ideas that can be crossed over to ConX are possible, so i give it 3