Battle.Net Handle (Name)

StarCraft Battle.Net Number


ICQ Number (Required)

How Did You Hear Of Us?

Who Recruited You? (If Anyone)

Do you intend on remaining ACTIVE during your service to the Confederacy?

What ONE Reason From the Choices Listed Above BEST summarizes why you want to join the Confederacy?

Will you obide by the rules and laws set by the Terran Confederacy and will you respect the Confederacy and her allies as a Confederate soldier should?

What Is Your "SCORE" On Ladder? If No Score, place a "NIL" in the Box

Are You Ranked In The Top "1000," If So What IS Your Rank? If Not Ranked, Place A "NIL" In The Box

Should You Be Accepted To The Confederacy, Would You Be Willing To Change Your Name To Reflect Your Membership In the Confederacy?

Are You Willing To Start At "ENTRY RANK" In ConFed And WORK Your Way Up?

Select A Choice That Best Describes Your Skill As An SC Player.

Which department would you like to work in?

Are You Currently A Member Of ANY Other Clan?

What Can You Offer Terran Confederacy?:

What do you expect from the Confederacy?:

Please list all previous guild/clans you belonged to and your reason for leaving?