Deep inside Mossflower forest there lives a band of warriors. In some areas, they are well-known. In others, they are a mystery. But to Redwall and Salamandastron. They are some of the best friends and warriors you could have. Welcome to Shallowthorn, the dwelling place of the Warriors of the Moss!

Hi! My name is Bobtail, your guide of Shallowthorn city. I hope i didn't startle you. Well, since I'm a hare, your probably wondering why I don't have the familiar hares accent. I was brought up in the forest by a hermit squirrel, but I never knew his name. He talked a lot, but always said he never had a name, and never cared for one. He taught me a lot, and I got used to his form of talking. Since then I was adopted by Starbuck the Second, and I now live here, in Shallowthorn. Anyways, enough about me. We'd better get started on our walk and tour of Shallowthorn!

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DISCLAIMER!: Redwall and all related to Redwall is copyrighted by Brian Jacques. This page means no disrespect to Mr. Jacques, but is only a fan's page. If there are any problems with copyrights of materials here, please send a letter here, and whatever it is will be taken care of immediately. Also, if anything here has been used without consent of its owner, PLEASE tell me and I will remove it asap. All materials related to Shallowthorn and the WMC are Copyrighted by David Perini. The background and line graphics used on the WMC page are unkown as to whether they have copyright information on them. If you have any info on them please contact me. Thanks a lot and enjoy the page!

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