The X-Pic of the Week

Where do the pictures come from? How are they made?

All the pictures used for the X-Pic are screen grabs that I have taken myself. Often, they are taken by watching an X-Files episode on my PC using WinTV. Some shots are taken from episodes aired on FOX and FX, while others are taken from my videos. At times, I view the movie files from The X-Files Unrestricted Access CD-ROM and take a screen shot from that. I never use pictures from the web, still shots from my CD-ROM, or pictures submitted to me.

Can I submit a picture to be used?

As mentioned above, I do not use pictures submitted to me. I appreciate your effort, but would prefer to use my own images.

Can I save the images and put them on my web site?

Please do not publish these images on your site or link back to this server. Feel free to save them for your own purposes (ie., to stump your friends or promote the X-Pic).

Will I be e-mailed when I win?

You will receive a confirmation message in your e-mail (if you provided your address) to verify that I did receive your entry, but you will not be notified of whether or not you won. Please return after the following Thursday to see if your name is on the winners list.

What if I submit my entry beyond the deadline?

If I happen to receive your entry before I put up the new X-Pic, I will more that likely accept your entry. However, if I've already put up the new X-Pic, your late entry will be considered a wrong answer for the new week.

May I submit two different answers in one week?

Please do not submit two different answers. Only your first answer, right or wrong, will be counted. You will not be disqualified.

What happens if I send the same answer more than once?

If you accidently submit your answer multiple times (ie., you hit the "Submit" button more than once), you will most definitely not be disqualified. You will most likely only receive one confirmation message, and will only be listed once in the winners list.

What if I don't have e-mail?

Your e-mail is only necessary to receive confirmation messages. You do not need one to play. If you don't have one, please leave the space empty.  Do not put in a fake address, or I will either be sending a confirmation message to someone who doesn't want it, or I will receive constant mailer daemon messages because the address didn't work. Get free, anonymous web-based e-mail at these sites: Hotmail | Skinnerholics Mail from ZZN | Yahoo! Mail

Can I link to the X-Pic of the Week on my web site?

Absolutely! Please link back to the main X-Pic page (http://www.geocities.com/xpotw/).

More questions? Please e-mail me.