Psyducks Struggle

       Men and women, of the people congregated here today, I'm going to preach to you about a duck.  A brave duck, a kind duck, a duck with a dream, a duck with a headache, of corse we're talking about Psyduck, can I get an Amen?
        This brave duck gave himself over to Misty willingly and all she does is yell at it... hit it... disrespect it!  And he must live day to day yealding the spot light to that evil mouse, ya know it can only be Pikachu!
        Still Psyduck rises to speak even when not spoken to, all he wants is alittle of the spotlight, and possably some asprin.
        Is it to much to ask for alittle respect in this world... I say NO!! I think Psyduck should rise up because no one will stand up for him.
        So, as I leave you I ask that you say a little prayer for Psyduck, and ask that he be brave, and push on, thank you.

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