Ask A Gym Leader

If you have any questions about the Pokemon TCG ask me, im a Gym Leader along with Wild_Will and keithnorthover we will answer your question as acuratly as possable, click HERE to ask a question and tittle it TCG Question.

Is Ancent Mew Legal in Tournament Play??
yes, but you must back it with an opauge(non transparent) sleevecover or put a regulair card behind it in a normal sleeve.

Ancent Mew Stats
(P)(P) Psyche 40
resistance N/A
Retreat Cost **

Can you Play Colorless Energy the same turn as a Basic Energy??

Thats a judgement call you and your opponent should decide that befor you begin the battle

When Gym Heros Comes out are you allowed to have 4 Leader cards and 4 regular cards in your deck??(E.X. 4 sandshrew and 4 Brock sandshrew)

We Would think so seince you could have 4 golbat and 4 dark golbat seince they technichaly have diffrent names.