Welcome to the guestbook.

Roanna Tallant - 12/04/00 17:21:49
My Email:cluelessapple@yahoo.com

Hiya Dad! How are you? I thought I would visit your page and gain more wisdom. I trained late last night, I am now 18.

Kylea al'Veridian - 03/07/00 15:35:16
My Email:scorpibrat@aol.com

An excellent tool for helping the citizens of Elanthia. ::beams with pride at Lord Falvicar::

- 01/11/00 17:19:51

yes wonderful darling, now lets work on yer relationship skills

- 01/11/00 17:19:34

yes wonderful darling, now lets work on yer relationship skills

Lord Falvicar - 01/11/00 17:17:45
My URL:/lordfalvicar
My Email:sbcapps@hotmail.com

Testing Testing... Guest book working?

Rachel - 01/10/00 21:38:11
My Email:ukinvasion@aol.com

wonderful job darling

Roanna Tallant - 01/09/00 18:19:29
My Email:gkwinter@swbell.net

Thankye again for your help. I was able to find your site.

Joter ParkShane - 01/07/00 19:34:29
My Email:mctmac@ncia.net

IM MJMS4ss A friend always. You can count on me.

Coladorn - 11/06/99 01:59:02
My URL:http://www.talisman-games.com

Keep upgrading the site. Good job thus far

Krisilynd Solbreit - 10/29/99 16:41:03
My Email:sunnyi@gci.net

Rogue, not rouge.....giggle

Lady Astock - 10/29/99 16:13:17

Hey Lord Falvicar, I love your site! Makes me want to study hard to be as knowledgable as thee ::swoon:: Keep up the good work. By the way, your financee is quite a looker ::whistle::

Lord Falvicar - 10/29/99 15:55:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lordfalvicar

Well, this is the first test to see if the the guest book can be viewed and read correctly. If it does, I pray ye enjoy my site and visit to see it prosper and grow. Well... maybe not prosper :grin: Be well, Lord Falvicar

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