After following Tierra deeper into the thick forest for a while, the trees finally become more spread out and there are fewer. Tierra stops and turns to you.
"This is The Melcey Forest. Currently, I'm the only one along with Taliis residing here. My bondmate is Brook, which would be all of ours if we get any more. Oh! I want to show you something.."
Tierra vanishes behind a few bushes and reappears with two things in her mouth. She sets them down and smiles.
"These are our melcey beanies. Brook got them just for signing the book. Aren't they cute human?" Tierra grins when a blure of brown leaps from the bushes and races around you. It appears to be a melcey, but something is diffrent. When it pauses to sniff you warily, you discover that it has two tails. The melcey looks questioningly at Tierra, then decides you are alright.
"Hello! I'm Taliis! I bet your wondering why I have two tails..." You nod and the melcey seems to chuckle. "Well, I'm a special melcey. I was given out along with many others on Halloween, so I have two tails. Only a few of us have special features, though we all are special. My theme is Earth, if you havn't guessed. Oh! To visit our homeland, go through this portal. Well, I don't have anything else to show you. Come again visitor!" Tierra vanishes once more, but this time not coming back. You decide to go on your way.