welcome to allara

Welcome to Allara

You find yourself standing on strange land. Thick bushes and trees are all around. Except for the lush forest and a big rock, you are alone. What happened? You were minding you own buisness when you were suddenly appeared here. Looking around, you think. You aren't on Faunia unless if there was some part you missed. Wondering what you should do, you sit on a rock and think. As if on cue, a young woman pushes some bushes besides and walks out into the open. She stops and stares at you for awhile. You study her as she studies you. No one speaks for awhile.

You notice right away that her dark green dress is ragged and dirty, signs that she is very active. You also notice her sandals which have straps that wrap around her legs and up to her knees. She has long dark brown hair and lightly colored skin. She is about as tall as Brook from Faunia or you heard about Allara from someone else. Anyways, I'm a good friend of Brook's. Since she's so busy on Faunia, I'm the caretaker of this new world here. You may be here awhile since there is much to explore. I do ask you to not take any of the animals here unless if you have been given one or you adopted one from me or Brook. Also, I warn you, there are many things lurking around. You may just end up somewhere you don't want to be, or, if you're lucky, you may find something wonderful like a hidden nest. Well, I suggest you start exploring. As you may know, I will show up a lot so if you need me, just call out my name."

You nod and then ask her what her name was again. She silently laughs. "Faith, My name's Faith." Just then a small creature jumps out of the bushes and glares at you. it lets out a small yelp and wags it's tail. Faith smile sand kneels down while petting the small creature.

"This, is a melcey pup. Brook was lucky enough to get one and she's letting me care for it. her name is Tierra and her theme is Earth." Faith grins and and hugs the melcey pup who begins to make a cooing noise. "Oh yes, melcey pups are from here. Mabey go there, they are quite cute. Tierra is living at The Melcey Forest, why don't you go visit he rhome sometimes?." She smiles and then her eyes light up.

"Ahh yes!! I must also warn you about the Forest...." before you can question her on the Forest, she quickly vanishes into the vines, leaving you alone.

You look over the few choices you have. You could go to the meadows. Or mabey visit The Melcey Forest?