Brian D. Moss's Facebook profile


I just realized that I hadn't updated this page in well over a year, so here's a little something I posted today (2/7/07) on the Brownback for President website.


Originally I had planned to use a fake name, but ultimately decided that I'm too proud of it to give all the credit to my dog.





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Dear Senator Brownback,


I am writing to you today to express my disappointment with the level of decency in this year's Superbowl halftime show.


Unlike other constituents you may have heard from recently, I am not bothered by the "phallic guitar" incident that occurred near the end of Prince's performance. Let's face it: a guitar is, by its very nature, a phallic instrument. And as a music aficionado, I do not think it would be reasonable to ban guitar playing altogether. For similar reasons, I also do not think that flute playing should be banned.


Instead, I am writing to you to complain that this year's Superbowl halftime show was decent at best. To be sure, it was a hundred times better than last year's tired performance by the Rolling Stones. It was also far better than Billy Joel's toady rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner." But seriously, that's not saying much.


More than anything, I feel it is completely indecent that the artist formerly known as The Artist Formerly Known As Prince was allowed to leave the stage last Sunday without singing "Raspberry Beret." I will admit that he delivered excellent (albeit abbreviated) versions of "Let's Go Crazy" and "Purple Rain," and I can certainly understand why he was not allowed to perform some of his more salacious songs, such as "Sexy Motherfucker" or "Pussy Control." However, I simply cannot understand why his groundbreaking work on the 1985 LP "Around the World in a Day" continues to remain so overlooked.


Let us not forget that the same album brought us a single entitled "America." And sir, I believe we can all agree that we love "America." Here are some sample lyrics:


America, America

God shed His grace on thee

America, America

Keep the children free



In conclusion, I can only pray that you will use the power of your office to ensure that the halftime show at Superbowl XLII will be even more decent than this year's. For example, could we really go wrong with Weird Al Yankovic?


Sincerely yours,


Brian D. Moss




PS Please don't tell Billy Joel what I said about him.