Feel free to e-mail the author of these pages at yokeltania@yahoo.com with good or bad comments. I like to get mail, even from people who are mad at me.





Table of Contents | PANELS (superheroes, will never be finished because of next entry)
| With Great Power... (a comic book superhero RPG that does what I wanted to do with PANELS, only a lot better... but with more decks of cards than I like. Still it's a great little game. This is just a Rogues Gallery.)
| Prime Time Adventures (created by Matt Wilson of Dog-Eared Designs, a great story game-style rpg)
| CHANGELING: The Yada-Yada (Yes, I've played this game three or four times. No, I don't want to talk about it.)
| D&D 3E HOUSE RULES: Hardly original combination of ideas from Robin Law's FENG SHUI to the new old chestnut. Hey, it works.
| MORLOCK PROJECT (a parody of the classic Morrow Project RPG - Uses EgSS)
| Storyville (a criminal fairy tale LARP I got pressured into making so I could discuss GMless rules on the Forge forums.)
| UNKNOWN ARMIES: I'm a big fan of this little game by Greg Stolze and John Tynes, but you wouldn't think it from the dearth of stuff I've posted on it. Look out for the Freak.
| Tales of the Crystals: a 1993 Milton Bradley game with a lot of the stuff I liked about Minds Eye Theatre, but no vampires. On the other hand, it has fairy princesses and magic crystal powder. But I played it. God Help Us All.

Hmmm... I never really got around to overhauling this site. Since discovering With Great Power... I've pretty much decided there's no need for Panels. Taking down that old thing will free up a lot of space on this here rickety old site. I'll probably replace the old girl with a new game I did for 2008 Game Chef called Astrospy, once I've done a few things there:

  1. Found some new art for it.
  2. Written some campaign scenarios for it.
  3. Finished with the November 2008 electiion.

I note, however, that there's still unifinished junk all over this thing!<.p>

Last updated in August, 2008, slowly.

Contact me at yokeltania@yahoo.com if you have any questions. You can call me Rp, Arpie or the RMoS.