The Free Northern Alliance

Imagine a place where you are free. Imagine a place where you are not looked at from down the nose of some so-called noble, who feels they are above you because of some fancy word placed in front of their name and a funny metal hat. Imagine a place where folk gather as family and friends to share in the work, and the bounty that work yields.

That place is the Free Northern Alliance. We are a medieval re-creation group located in northern and central Vriginia, and based on medieval Northern Europe. We welcome personae hailing from the area north of the Alps and west of the Urals, and from the time period from 500AD to 1350AD.

We re-create a society of free landowning families clans and kindrerds. We have no King, Queen, or any other ranks of nobility, but a family clan or kindred may have a patriarch or matriarch, as families do even today.

If you are interested in finding out more, email me at