Updates: Oct. 19th 2004

Decided to add an Update page to keep people, well, uhm, updated LOL. So what is going on that is new?

Started the final re-make of the 2nd book of the Wulf Trilogy. I am hoping to finish it in a few months instead of the normal year it takes me to write a book. I got 20+ pages done and am going to take a break before I get burned out.

Finished a new music video: It is to the video game BurnOut 3 to Rob Zombie's Never Going To Stop Me. Turned out pretty good and I am very proud. I got the song Step Down by Drowning Pool and am planning to use that song for my Mortal Kombat Deception game. I am not sure yet.

Also I am beginning to sell my artwork on T-Shirts and Sweaters on Zazzle.com Goto the Search and type in Donnie Darko. Or click


Movies I am looking forward to seeing are The Grudge, Saw, and Team America World Police. Hopefully they will make up for the lack of good movies. Plus Resident Evil 2 was one of the best movies I have seen all year. Sticking true to the game, RE2 makes you feel like you are actually in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis. Great acting and even better fighting sequences. I cannot wait for the third!

Video Games:

MORTAL KOMBAT! Mortal Kombat Deception came out and it is the BEST ONE in the entire series. I love the fatalities and the level kills plus the story-line is very deep and badass. Some of the endings/characters are so-so but the game is seriously getting better instead of worse.

HINT: Play Ermac and recieve his ending to discover an idea on how MK7 will start.


Updates: August 31 2004
Aliens Vs Predator was a dissapointment. *sighs* It just wasn't what I was expecting. I wanted a whole lot of fighting and even some more of a story but I just didn't get it...Thus saying I am no longer getting all hyped up for movies. Sorry guys for my excitment.

However, I must give Jet Li's movie: The Hero 5 stars out of 5. The movie was awesome! Excellent story and great fighting sequences. I loved it. Thanks to Q. Terintino <sp> for bringing it to America.

My hearse is finally working again! Yipee! I have a few scratches I gained and am considering getting it painted again since I have a 4 yr warrenty. (Thanks Maaco).
Rebecca and I are getting along well and we are very happy also.

Updates: August 9th 2004

Finally decided to update my site!!

I am no longer engaged but now am dating my long time friend Rebecca. It is going great! We are going to move in together soon if we can get the moolah.

I have finished Hunted finally and am working on Wulf once again (sigh) but this time I am going a differnt direction and am very impressed so far. I am making Mazer more 3-d so I am sure you all shall enjoy the sick fu*k.

Music Videos are now my biggest thing. I have grown sick and tired of seeing countless DBZ and Final Fantasy music videos so I have decided to make AWESOME ones. These include:

Adema's Immortal - Freddy Vrs Jason
Let the Bodies Hit the Floor - PS2's Manhunt.
Scum of the Earth - PS2's Twisted Metal Black
Mario Brother's Rap - Super Mario Brothers
Everyone Was Kung-Fu Fighting - Matrix Trilogy
Duel of the Fates - Silence of the Lambs Trilogy
I'm Blue - Tron
House of 1000 Corpses - Evil Dead 1
I'm Over My Head - Evil Dead 2
Song 2 - Me and my Boy Scout Troop shooting targets
Jump - Tremors Trilogy.

Upcoming Music Videos:
Mortal Kombat Tribute (Aka History of Mortal Kombat)
Texas Chainsaw Tribute (Aka The Dance of Leatherface)
Dawn of the Dead
Mortal Kombat Lovers
Kill Bill Dance Number

Movie Updates:

Aliens Vs Predator is comming out. YOU ALL MUST SEE IT! IT LOOKS AWESOME! Support this movie everyone!

The Movie Industry is losing in my opinion. They are making ANOTHER chuckie movie. Please ban it.

Finally: The Grudge and The Saw are my 2 Horror Movie picks for this year. AVP is my top Sci-Fi Movie for the year and Dawn of the Dead (2004)  is my top Zombie flick PERIOD

Web Site Updates: Uploaded new tatooes. They are Copywrite Luke Jonavic.
Also Added: 3-D Models I have created based on my books. Enjoy :