The Wulf's Page
Updates: Oct. 19th 2004

Decided to add an Update page to keep people, well, uhm, updated LOL. So what is going on that is new?

Started the final re-make of the 2nd book of the Wulf Trilogy. I am hoping to finish it in a few months instead of the normal year it takes me to write a book. I got 20+ pages done and am going to take a break before I get burned out.

Finished a new music video: It is to the video game BurnOut 3 to Rob Zombie's Never Going To Stop Me. Turned out pretty good and I am very proud. I got the song Step Down by Drowning Pool and am planning to use that song for my Mortal Kombat Deception game. I am not sure yet.

Also I am beginning to sell my artwork on T-Shirts and Sweaters on Goto the Search and type in Donnie Darko. Or click HERE


Movies I am looking forward to seeing are The Grudge, Saw, and Team America World Police. Hopefully they will make up for the lack of good movies. Plus Resident Evil 2 was one of the best movies I have seen all year. Sticking true to the game, RE2 makes you feel like you are actually in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis. Great acting and even better fighting sequences. I cannot wait for the third!

Also I saw Shuan of the Dead. A classic Comedy Horror movie that would make Sam Rami of Evil Dead proud. They touch on all the typical Zombie movies and even discuss the reasonings behind "Not saying the Z-word". Lots of laughs and lots of gore. Cannot beat that combination!

Video Games:

MORTAL KOMBAT! Mortal Kombat Deception came out and it is the BEST ONE in the entire series. I love the fatalities and the level kills plus the story-line is very deep and badass. Some of the endings/characters are so-so but the game is seriously getting better instead of worse.

HINT: Play Ermac and recieve his ending to discover an idea on how MK7 will start.Web Site Updates: Uploaded new tatooes. They are Copywrite Luke Jonavic.
Also Added: 3-D Models I have created based on my books. Enjoy :)
My Art Page:  Here

My favorite links:

My Pic Page: Here

My Hearse Data Page: Here

10 commandments of video games: Here

My Movies and Game Reviews: Here

Take my video game survey and vote for your favorite games and characters:

Vote for your favorite movies: Here

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