Music Videos
Music Videos

In the End
Created by: Atomx
Game/Movie used: Final Fantasy IX
5/5, PG
I have always heard good things about AtomX and this proves that the rumors are true. He was able to match the best CGI scenes of FF 9 to In the End by L. Park. Its a very heart warming music video, this can be mostly seen towards the end.

Created by: ?
Game/Movie used: Ninja Scroll
5/5, NC-17 for blood and sexual situations.
Okay, take one of  Zombie's best songs, add one of Japan's best movies and you come up with this. I love how the battle scenes are in cinque with the lyrics and its even better seeing the special effects the creator used to enhance the video. Rock on!

Created By: 'Ryan'
Game/Movie used: DBZ Cell Saga.
3/5, PG
Okay, I like DBZ and this video rocked in the beginning but I think the maker could have made a better effort in combining the lyrics and the actions together. Its mostly the best fighting scenes during the choris. Only reason I'm keeping it is for the song. If I find a better Crawling video, I'd probably replace this one with it.

Paint It Black
Created By: Helluva
Game/Movie used: Cowboy Bebop
5/5 PG-13 for blood
I was 4% done downloading when I previewed it and I was impressed right then and there. Helluva was able to perfectly match the song's beat to the video as well as using the lyrics to choose which scenes would be used. It was worth the 4 hour download (Damn 56K)

Here with me
Created By: ?
Game/Movie used: Final Fantasy 5-9
3.5/5 PG
This was as decent video with a nice song. It was good seeing a video made just for the couples of the FF series but there were noticable moments of video distortion (like when frames move too slowly causing the backround to get all pixal like) But it was worth the effort.

Let the Bodies hit the Floor
Created by: ?
Game/Movie used: Various Animes. (Akira, NinjaScroll, and BioHunter were the ones I reconized)
5/5 NC-17 For very graphic violence
The only reason I deleated this song before finsihing the DL was because I don't like Korn but other than that, it was the bloodiest video I've ever seen and was very well made. Just make sure you have the stomach for it Mwa ha ha.