Hearse Data
02/2002: I bought my hearse! $3,500 Thanks to www.funeralcars.com   The only downside was, I kinda turned the steering wheel to far while backing it out of my house and the power steering hose exploded. Good job.

Day 2 of ownership:  On the way home from school, I picked up some supplies from Pep Boys, Auto Zone, and Light Bulbs Etc. Got a black light for the front seat, a new light bulb for the backseat, and some sandpaper for the rust marks on the front.

Day 3: Installed the black light and discovered that the light bulbs I bought for the back do not fit >.< I also discovered that the sand paper I got wasn't harsh enough. What a way to start.

Day 4: Got the new bulbs and it took me a good hour and a half to install the damned things only for my friend Matt to show me that the light fixtures just snap off. X.X I also began working on the power steering hose. It took me a good forty minutes to locate the stupid thing. I also began sanding some of the rust stains on the hood.

Day 9: With some help from my neighbors, I was able to get my car raised and began working on the hose. I was able to undo one end of the hose and began working on that little screw bolt nut thingy that kept it in place. I ended up getting covered and grease and dropping my wrench numerous a time on my head. I left it as is and washed up.

Day 11: After two days of working on that same damned bolt, I realized why it refused to move. I reversed the rachett and it finally came off. It was very embarresing. After a few more stuggling hours on the last end of the hose, I was able to get it off. Afterwards, I returned to AutoZone and got it replaced.

Day 19: I called my mechanically inclinged friend Matt over and we went to work on the hose. We were able to get it attached and hooked up beneath the hearse but one end of the hose was being a jerk. We were able to get it 90% screwed in before it got stuck.

Day  23: I decided that I required muscle in order to finish my car. I requested the help from Matt's father and we were very successful in finishing the power steering hose. Now I am able to drive it! I also finish the sanding while I was at it.

Day 24: Getting my neighbor Ashley to drive down to AutoZone in the hearse was like asking a bee if it would like some honey. She and I drove it down and picked up some more Primer, sandpaper, and Back To Black for the cover. I dropped her off at her house and got my cover all nice and clean. I also discovered that the Primer didn't work and I had to get some more Back to Black. The cover was too big X.X

Day 30: Got the cover shiney once again, added the primer to the hood and now all I need is to finish the sanding and priming. Hopefully I will finish the hood next weekend and start on the sides. Oh, I also was able to paint one of my lightbulbs for the interior red and now the backseat is like blood whenever the door opens. Heh.