My Toys!
Over the many years (18) that I have been around, I have grown quite fond of toys, action figures, comics and whatnot. The following upon this page are most of my collections that I have gathered over the years. They include: Video Games, Resident Evil, Aliens, Star Wars, Evil Dead, and Manga.

Not shown yet are: Z-Bots, SNES Collection 2, Weapons, and Classic Movies.
I was hyper active growing up and to help ease all my access energy, she bought me a Nintendo Unit when I was 3 years of age. It gave off great hand-eye coordenation as well as strategy making skills. If she had only known that my craving for video games would have gone so far, she would have thought twice. My systems include: (( Systems with *** Are not Shown))
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64***
Nintendo GameCube
Gameboy Advance***
Game Axe***
Sega CD***
Sega Saturn***
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Game Gear***
Playstation 2***
Atari 5600 (Needs work)
Phillipes CD-I***
Currently, I have about 70-90 NES and SNES video games including classics such as: Chrono Trigger, Maniac Mansion, Contra, Dick Tracy, Super Punch Out, Harvest Moon, and Final Fantasy I. Soon to add to my collection is: Resident Evil (GC) and Eternal Darkness (GC).
At first, I was against the Playstation...until I heard that FF VII was comming out for it. Now I cannot imagine living without the system. I love the FF series and other RPGs like Wild Arms and Lunar. I also enjoy the lack of censorship it has compared to the NES systems. For the PS2, I waited in line 5 hours with no go only to find a new shipment at Toys R Us a month later. I have the best of the best including: All the Resident Evils, Harvest Moon {PS and PS2 versions) All the Final Fantasys (Including Anthologies and Chronicals) and my favorite: Twisted Metal. Rock On.
Growing up, kids found out that they enjoy many action figures that acted like heroes to them. G.I. Joe, Sports Heroes, even toys like Hot Wheels and Tonka. Me, I perferred Aliens, Mario Brothers, Quake, and Resident Evil. Seen here are my most of my action figures. I have collected:
Resident Evil
Star Wars
Mario Brothers***
Evil Dead
I'm hoping to start collecting:
Soul Caliber
Vampire Masquade
Blood Omen
Resident Evil has grown to be one of my favorite video game series and over the past three years, I have been hunting high and low to collect the action figures. I am proud to announce that I have collected the ENTIRE Video Game Super Stars series of RE and RE2 including Mr. X, Birkin G4, Hunk, Lickers and mutated Birkin. Now I'm working on the Giant Bio-Hazard series from Japan and the Palisades Series.

Also seen in these pictures are my Alien collections. I have the Warrior Alien, Flying and Normal Queen, huge face hugger, Gorilla and Mantis Aliens. Apoch and Drake can also be seen. I'm looking to buy a few more.

The baby in the Armor by the Qsy-Duck and the lil crabby dog thing to her right are from Quake. I intended to buy more, but they vanished from stores. Help me Ebay!

Below you see my Star Wars toys. Mace is kicking it on the wall while Fett and the others relax by my Alien Slayer's knife. I have the original Chewie [[caught him while fishing]] and C-3PO [[Found him while hiking. Also making an apperence is good ol' Rob Zombie, performing live in Luke's Bedroom.

Next shown are all 3 availble Evil Dead figures: Evil Ash, Ash, and Ash Vrs the Pit Witch. When I get a job, I'm going to get the huge Ash doll [[I think its like 12 inches?]] and the Ash Vrs Evil Ash set.
I have recently gotten into Japanese Manga (Comic books) for their uncensorship and hilarious humor. I have mangas from:
Gunsmith Cats
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Dance Till Tomorrow
Cowboy Bebop***