My Art!
I'm not much of an artist, but one day in class, I was just drawing some lines but when the class ended and I looked at it, I realized that it was pretty damned good. So I scanned my art and decided to put them on the site. Here you go :D
These are some pictures my girlfriend Rebecca drew for me or because I inspired them. For those of you who don't know us, I am usually portrayed as a Wolf and she is usually a black and red kitten. I love ya babes!

All are is Copywrite 2003-4 Rebecca Cansler
For those wondering: The two car comics are based around my problems with my hearse where I'd repair 1 thing and break another >.<
This is based around me (the pissed off wolf) getting fed up with my co-workers at UPS. I used to work with some very annoying people...Thank gods I got moved to a different conveyer belt.
And these two pictures are what my girl does best at work! Get pissed at phones and think of her love-toy ME! :D I love you baby!