New At The Hall?
great picture designed for me by Tara!
Thanks Tara!
10/27/00 - Oh
boy, where do I begin??? It has been
awhile hasn’t it. J
page – Four (4) awesome stories!!!! No
seriously…go now! 3 AM by the wonderfully talented xenoprobe, A Sort of
Homecoming and its sequel Trance To Venial Sin
by my wonderful friend and writing “mentor” Lydia Harkness, and an
MUST READ called Pentimento by
Cathleen Faye. The only thing I can say
about this last one is that it left me
kid you not! Just the idea of this
story is incredible and so completely different from any other Post Requiem.
thanks to Cathleen and the others for permission to archive. Of course my OWN post-requiem isn’t finished
I swear it is almost done. It is called
The Circle’s End, so be watching for it. (please????)
to the Favorite Fan Fic section - Two (2) more awesome stories were added
here, Instant Warmth and Paradigm Shift.
of which were written by wonderfully talented writers who I am thrilled to say
that I met personally a couple weeks ago,
Endres and Nlynn. Another favorite
writer Georgia, who also happens to be my wonderful beta reader was there too!
met for a weekend in DC and had a simply marvelous time. Simply great women! And lots of fun! What could be better
kite flying on The National Mall…we had Marie’s hubby to thank for that! Ok, back to the stories…Instant Warmth was
written by Sue Piper who I would feel terrible if I left out, and it is my
understanding that she was the driving force behind
just a note, I fouled up my Web Rings last update, so I am working on getting
that fixed. L
9/18/00 – Six (6) new stories have been added this
Graveyard Shift, Imperfect Shadow, “L” is for Love, and Unlikely
Intercessor in the Favorite Fan Fic
section, and I’m One of Them and Rain Man in the Requiem section. Thanks to Sarah Stella,
Tara W., Agent L, KatyBlue and Frohike (
my rain buddy J ) for allowing me to add these wonderful
stories. I also
to mention that I have been honored by two more awards, but I have not had the time
to add the graphics yet. SORRY L
I am quite thrilled and honored to receive them, so please take the time to
check out the wonderful sites that offered them.
http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/badblood/ The Truth is in Here
http://liliblue.tripod.com/ The
X-Files Blues
Rachel and Lili Blu! I promise to add
them really soon! J
yeah…one other thing…
Hall of X proudly salutes the athletes of the XXVII Olympiad!
8/30/00 – Two more stories were added to the Requiem
page…All We Know by Karen Rasch and Surreal Thing by Invisivellum.
to both of these wonderful authors for allowing me to post their stories.
8/28/00 – The
Poetry Corner has been updated with a couple new
poems. One is my post-Requeim Skinner
POV called The
Guardian. The others are by darkstar, Christine
Rogalski, and the inspiring Susan Frankovich.
Thanks to all of them for their
to give their awesome poems a home here.
the Episodic collage page is finally up
and running. Thanks again to Gertie
for feeding my new addiction with her video
7/31/00 – FINALLY!
An update! I have added 5
fantastic new stories to the Requiem
fan fic page. Thanks to Marie, ML,
Queen Mab for their contributions.
Hurry! Go read them!
I didn’t really introduce this last time, but, I added a page of collages to
The Hall. Thanks to Erin, Tara, and
Lydia for their
Inspiration. And thanks to Gertie for the encouragement
and being sweet enough to post some of my work at Duchovnynet.
Also, thanks to Gertie’s video grabs from her Shipper
site, I will be adding another collage page exclusively for
episodic collages.
Gertie! I’m having a ball! J
6/29/00 – The Requiem
fiction page has been added with 15 stories posted. I will be adding to it as I find more post-ep stories.
let me know if there is a post-Requiem story that you enjoyed that is not
here. I would love to read it! There are so many
ones coming out. Who knows when my own
will ever be added…I have the story, its just getting the time to write it
down. J
have added 3 new members to The Shipper’s Corridor, Agents In Love, Hopelessly
Romantic X-Files, and The
Jori Remington
Archive. Welcome Joann, Linda, and Jori!
addition to my new main page, (getting a little big for my britches over here
LOL) I have added a link to the Fan Fic challenge
HOF – are you up to the challenge???? J
6/16/00 – I am very happy to add three stories by
three of my favorite authors. Eli, Eli by Marguerite, One More Wish by
Tara W., and Spanking Scully's Stone Soliloquies by the always original Lydia Harkness. (Come on, that title alone should
you want to read it!)
Requiem page still isn’t quite done yet…sorry, but I promise to hurry! L
6/5/00 – When Shocks Thunderbolt, a fellow member of HOF
issued a challenge for fan fic writers to write an MSR story
where Mulder is a vampire, I thought to myself, “Hey, what a great idea!” I could hardly wait to start writing. So now, two
later, I am proud to post the result of said challenge…Embraced. I am really excited about it
because I had a lot
fun writing it. I think it’s my
favorite so far. I would love to know
what you think! Thanks to Georgia and
Matt for the
Georgia really made me work for this one in places. J And special thanks to Lydia for allowing me
to use her awesome
graphic from the former expositions as my dust jacket!
I am currently working on a new page exclusively for post-Requiem fics. If you have any favorites, please let me
I’ll check them out! Thanks!…Shawen
5/9/00 – As promised, I have added twelve (12) new
poems to The Poetry Corner. They
are as follows:
An Empty
Crossing The Wire, Every Blue Moon, Hindrance, Lying Here With You, Sans
Arret, Seven Is A
Lucky Number,
Soul Baring,
This I Promise You,
What I Need, and one Untitled.
Thanks to Tara, Lydia, Summer, Deanna, Little
(Alien), Kaleigh, darkstar, Laura, and Pale The Chicken Slayer
for allowing me to add their beautiful poems.
Make sure
let them know if one of them touch you in any way.
5/5/00 – Four (4) new stories have been added to the More Fan Fic
page by some wonderful authors. A Bedtime Story,
How Ironic (Part1) & (Part 2), So Right, and Static
Electricity. As
usual, you can either read them from here, or go to the
More Fan Fic
page to read the summary and my own personal commentary of each story.
I am pleased to add the web site of Dawson Rambo to the Shipper’s Corridor! Dawson is a wonderfully talented
whose unique perspective on our favorite couple makes for some great stories.
am currently working on a major update to The Poetry Corner, so hopefully, that
will be up by next week.
4/28/00 – April 23, 2000 was a sad day to the fan-fic
community due to the closing of eXpositions. Click on the graphic
to see the tribute page for Lydia and all her hard work in supplying us with
some of the best in X-files fan fic, poetry,
so much more. On a brighter note,
please know that all of Lydia’s future stories will be posted here in their
entirety. We love and miss you Lyd! L
4/18/00 – Ten (10) new stories have been added to The
Hall. Bonsai, First Light, Hips Before Hands, Imperishable
part 1, part 2, and part
3, Lay So
Entwined, Little
Black Dress, Reciprocity,
Rhyme and Reason, The Great Wall, and
The Point. You can either read them here, or go to the More Fan Fic
page to see the summaries and my own commentary.
I am very pleased to add Xenoprobe and Jen to The Shipper’s Corridor. Xenoprobe has her own web page for her
fan fic and a great message board and Jen is the web mistress for the very
talented MD1016 whose stories I
love! Make sure you take the time to
check them out if you haven’t already!
4/7/00 – I’ve added a couple more of my poems to The
Poetry Corner, and while I’m on poetry, I am so thrilled…
poem The
Watcher has been named as the Poem of the Month at the Spooky Poets Association, you can see
the award on the front page. Thanks SPA! I also added another wonderful poem by Susan Frankovich
Came To Me. I am also
very proud to announce that this site has received 2 more awards. The first is
The Phile Cabinet and is very special
to me because Enessavay was the one who posted my stories long
The Hall of ‘X’ and was instrumental in the creation of it. Thanks V! J The other is a new award from
friend Lydia at eXpositions. I had
received her award before, but it is a change of design and I just loved it!
Lydia!!!! By the way, I am very sad to
announce that Lydia is closing her wonderful site. L Hurry over
To eXpositions and see it while you still
can. It would mean a lot to me, and
even more to her. We are going to
you Lyd!
4/2/00 – This is short and sweet and to the
point. I am very pleased to announce
that my new story Image is
posted. Thanks to Tara as always for her constant
support and encouragement on this one.
(Make sure you
out the dust jacket she made for this story too, it is probably my favorite if
I had to choose. You’ll see
why! J)
And a special thanks to Matt for the beta.
I hope you enjoy it, and by all means, PLEASE SEND
had a lot of fun writing this one (ok, and some unhappy moments too!) and I
would love to know what you think.
3/19/00 – Basically, the Hall has had a minor
facelift. The more I learn, the more
things I want to change. So
just have to bear
with me every couple
months. By the way, the new main
graphic on the first page is
first graphic to be designed by yours truly.
Thanks to Matt for Photo Draw and showing me how to use it
little, and thanks to Tara and Lydia
for their inspiration and putting up with my “what do you think of this
one? Does it look ok?”
are two (2) new sections added. The
first is the introduction of The Shipper’s Corridor
award. This is an
award given by The Hall to those sites that represent “Outstanding
Shippiness.” I do not take
for this award, however, it you feel that a site should be considered, feel
free to e-mail me
and I
Promise to take a look. This does not promise and award, but I will certainly consider it. The second new part
my “proud to be part of” section. That is where I have links to the places
that I have become affiliated with, as
as a permanent home for my clones and such.
need to update the awards section yet since there are a few people who have
graciously sent me more. That will
coming soon. I hope you like the new
look!!!! Feedback
is always graciously accepted!
3/8/00 – There are eight new stories posted at The Hall and hopefully more to come. I hope you enjoy them,
remember to send feedback to the author
if you like what you read. Trust
me, it means more than money.
almost more than money. J Here is the list: Battle
Lines, Bonsai, His Voice, Matter of Honor, More Than
Words Can Say,
Sisters Across Time,
and Thumbtacks.
Hopefully there will be another update fairly soon
with more fan fic and some poetry.
2/25/00 – While I was writing Darkest Hours,
another story kept swirling around in my little mind. So this
is for the addition of my post-Closure
story entitled Final Entry. Also, I am
very happy to add an award
to The Hall from XFRA which is now posted with pride on the Awards and
Dedications page. Thanks
to my fellow HOF member! Make sure you
take the time to check out her site!
2/15/00 – Ok, you know I had to get in on the Sein
Und Zien action, so added to my stories is Darkest Hours.
is my own interpretation of what happened that night at Mulder’s
apartment, that CC didn’t want to share
2/11/00 – Three great stories have been added to
the fan fic section. Missing Hours
(NC—17), Ripe ( R ),
and Switched (NC-17). Also, make sure you check out the wonderful poetry added to the Poetry Corner…
of Self, Beautiful, But I Don’t Anymore, Failings, Forgive, Loss for Whom, She,
and The Dance.
a separate note, I am excited to announce that this site has been named a
Shipper Star Site by Gertie.
Gertie!!!!! I wish to extend
congratulations to my friends at eXpositions, House Of Fan Fic and
Twilight Time for receiving this same honor!