Of precious gems, the stars in the heavens, and your beauty
Your beauty is far greater.
Of the vast-less seas, the limitless cosmos, and your heart,
Your heart is far larger.
Of a well honed blade, a majestic eagle's talon, and your wit,
Your wit is far sharper.
Of a warm hearth on a cold day, shelter from the rain, and your laughter,
Your laughter is far more inviting.
Of a quiet walk on the beach, gazing at the stars on a bright, clear night,
     and your company,
Your company is far more pleasurable.
And if I were made to choose between these qualities of yours
Which I found the most appealing,
I would be at a complete loss to do so
Because one without the others would no longer be you
For all these qualities make you who you are
And I for one would never wish to see you changed
Because I love you as you are.

To Nichole


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