Devising of an Angel
When the angels above were first conceived,
The blueprint for their creation first devised,
First contrived, first worked out and drawn up,
You must have been the first, the original mold
from which all others were cast,
For only an Angel could you be,
So radiant, so beautiful,
So caring, so captivating,
So mesmerizing, so perfect in every way conceivable.
Those eyes so dark, like enchanting, inviting
and mysterious caverns
That smile, so radiant like the sun on an early
spring day;
Your heart, so warm and caring, so inviting like a
blazing hearth on a winter’s eve.
No man could want or wish for more than
What I’ve found in you, and what I’ve done
To warrant your love and devotion I know not;
But ever thankful shall I be that you are mine
and I yours; and to that I will swear upon
the very God who modeled the angels above
after you.